Art & History Museums


Museum and Palace on the High Plateau

The Former Capital Of Ethiopia

Google Maps: Palace Of Emperor Minilik and
 Empress Taitu 1883.

On the Mountain's Grand High Table 

Palace Of Emperor Minilik and Empress Taitu 1883.
With accessible trails, this high plateau offers surprisingly gentle terrain and great views over the landscape beneath, including the fashionable and cultural facilities with activities of Entoto Park (Z). Entoto Maryam (43) on the mountain's high table is the site for the Former Capital, historical Palace and a cosy town. Adorned with two welcoming towns, Entoto Natural Park appears surprisingly cosily quaint and with a flavour of drama thanks to the magnificent Nature.  Hence, Entoto Maryam (43) provides an invitingly charming site for the whole family and quaint access to restaurants, a museum and a Palace within this town of the grand high plateau. Another lovely choice is Entoto Kidane Mehret (1), with an extensive sanctuary, restaurants, and excellent Nature for picnics. Therefore, these charming mountainous towns appear culturally welcoming and captivating with their gentle and beautiful surroundings. (Photo to the right by David Stanley) 

Entoto Maryam (43) dominates just above Entoto Park (Z), and the allure to explore this historical site further with its vast high plateau. This high plateau offers surprisingly gentle terrain. A highland with a peaceful undulated landscape is evident, with accessible trails where a terrain vehicle can reasonably make close contact with the most sights and activities. Except for the historic and quaint mountain town with restaurants and museums, the highland offers a peaceful, undulated landscape.

  Videos: Entoto Maryam Museum  

The Mountain's High Table with Museum & Restaurants

Entoto Maryam (43) is the old Capital's location, with museums and historic buildings. This place is charmingly convenient in every direction, with traditional facilities at this landmark mountain crest and mountain plateau with its former Capital. This historic site of the previous Capital offers unique architecture and an excellent opportunity for leisurely walks among this historical heritage with a palace and museum. A highland with a peaceful undulated landscape is evident, where except for excellent promenade opportunities, a terrain vehicle can reasonably make close contact with the most sights and activities.

A Sanctuary of Divine Beauty and Well-fragrance
Entoto Kidane Mehret Curch and Community

This Sanctuary (32) is the aesthetic and cultural foundation that created this delightful mountain town (1), which characterizes the impressive Entoto Kidane Mehret site. Although this rock-based sanctuary and society towers within the Capital's northern boundaries and mountain massifs, it seems remarkably preserved and well above all stressful whims. Furthermore, this Church and Monastery (32) are astonishingly hidden, tucked into the mountain massif rising shoulder where perception arises very soon to be careful because precipices and gullies take over immediately when you move away from a bit of piece of this remarkable protective town.

The Historical Sanctuary
Entoto Kidane Mehret
Although Entoto Kidane Mehret is quite highly located and
appears distant due to its height above the Capital, it's
equipped with a station for regular bus and taxi traffic. 

Entoto Kidane Mehret (1) 
 (Photo above by Ninara)

This place is an appealing beauty to appreciate on the first steps along the Sanctuary and the following bridge below Entoto Kidane Mehret (32). This Sanctuary (32) is astonishingly hidden, tucked into the mountain massif rising shoulder where perception arises very soon when moving away a piece of this protective town. The view opens in a somewhat dramatic beauty with an irresistible river-dell.

The Concealed Path of Entoto Kidane Mehret
Here,  the children play, and laundry dries on the inviting, soft, clean, polished rock bed. Hidden behind Entoto Kidane Mehret (32), this path makes a concealed curve below this Sanctuary's walls. It passes through a small part of the village before the way (5) opens with a sculptural ravine and continues toward a traditional downhill bridge. 

Entoto Kidane Mehret's location
With Regular Transportation 

At the lower part of the Park, Entoto Kidane Mehret (32) and community (1) adjoin Addis Ababa's northern outskirts, at the district known as Shero Meda (Shiromeda). The Capital's northern district, Shero Meda (Shiromeda), constitutes a central station for other taxi and bus services to the Capital's city centre. Shero Meda (Shiromeda) is also a hub towards the mountain, offering taxi connections to Entoto Park (Z), Entoto Maryam (43), as well as Entoto Kidane Mehret (1). In the case of Entoto Kidane Mehret (1), Shero Meda is close enough to offer a pleasant walk to Entoto Natural Park. Shero Meda (Shiromeda) also allows the most convenient access to Entoto Maryam (43) on Entoto's plateau.

Entoto Park Main Entrance - Entoto Park (Z)

Entoto Mountain's Highland now includes an invitingly magnificent culture centre and activities that constitute the new Entoto Park (Z). This grandiose adventurous centre above the Capital forms the amazing mountain-dwelling for the whole family's interest in comforting, high-spirited culture. Thus, the historical and captivating Entoto Natural Park and the alluring Entoto mountain massif include the newly inaugurated Entoto Park (Z). This mountainous location and elevated centre for pleasure and activities invite the entire family to enjoy pleasant leisure with gardens and art or explore many highly inspiring activities with amusements, museums, art, sports, wilderness baths, and irresistible Nature for hiking. 

Serene Visions with the History's Reverence

A Future of Dignity in Wellbeing and Joy

Fasilides Bath, Gondar, Ethiopia. ๐Ÿ“ธ: Wikimedia Commons
Accommodation and Food Services 
A Classic Castle With the Spring Sources
The commonly occurring check dams represent an opportunity to recreate an environment that fits almost idealistically for people and Nature. For example, placing a building like Fasilides Bath next to a stream on the high plateau would provide Nature with a fantastic water supply. However, in contrast to the water technology of ordinary check dams, the historic buildings, like Fasilides Bath in the picture to the right, provide a water contribution to the surrounding landscape well adorned with its attraction's capacity as the most beautiful location for facilities with their Highland accommodations.

Grandiose Waterways in the Landscape
The Castle Lodge, with its dramatically classic architecture, offers a tranquil escape for those seeking relaxation. Nestled among the water, it entices fantasies with dreams' visions in the cosiest and most hiking-friendly surroundings within and for Nature in the wilderness. The original dense undergrowth network beneath mother trees and a primaeval forest provide a serene environment, perfect for a peaceful getaway.

Multiple Attractions Within a Magnificent Landscape

Entoto Maryam's Beautiful Landscape
However, well stimulated by the inviting grandeur of Entoto Maryam (43), this choice of a more vast grandeur as a starting point will often result in more ideas for unique natural dramas. An excellent offering for such Nature hides in the dramatic mountainous landscape and its canyon's grandeur above Entoto Kidane Mehret (1), Church (32).  Along the dizzying ravines or grandiose high plateau, this landscape captivatingly reaches the outermost threshold of the high table (14).

A Concealed Canyon of Great Beauty
High above the Capital appears this magnificent and concealed canyon (35) - (B) that rises far above Entoto Kidane Mehret's valley [A]. These overwhelming but refreshing paths offer breathtakingly inviting views along the mountain's southern slope. They beautifully reach gently steep hikes, as shown within map loop (B), and entice further towards the heights of viewpoint (16) and further towards mysterious grandeur.

Art Shop: Landscape & Wildlife

This Example of Art is Not Included 


50% of the price of this picture will go to the Ethiopian Heritage Trust (UK).

If you are interested in buying any of these works or would like more information, please email us at or phone us on 0300 365 1417.

Returns will be accepted without question within two weeks, with a full refund of the purchase price.

All paintings and drawings are for sale mounted (except where it says otherwise).

Mounts are included in the purchase price.


Over 450 plants, more than 30 mammals and 16 birds are unique to Ethiopia.

All flora and fauna in the painting are from these endemics.

Ethiopian Heritage Trust (UK)

The total amount you donate will be used in Ethiopia.
The Trust is registered with Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs for Gift Aid.

Ethiopian Heritage Trust (UK)

A not-for-profit charity supporting the Ethiopian Heritage Trust in Addis Ababa

The goal is to cover the Park with indigenous trees and bring back the native flowers and shrubs, birds and mammals which used to abound in the area.

Over 600,000 indigenous trees have been planted.

To control water flow and prevent erosion, 200 kilometres of terracing and 15 kilometres of check dams have been built.

As a result, 13 springs have developed.

115 species of bird have been recorded, including 5 of Ethiopia’s endemic species.

With the growing maturity of the trees, native shrubs and herbaceous plants can be seen, such as bulleia polystachya, bidens pachyloma, and geranium arabicum.

The number of Indigenous tree seedlings planted in the Park over the last 3 years has been:

2018    8,000

2019  25,000

2020    9,400
(Covid 19 caused considerable problems for the tree planting operation in 2020.)

This momentum has to be maintained to complete the long-term vision of a green haven; at least a further 10 years of effort will be required.


  Videos: Entoto Park Fine Art Gallery  

Google Maps:   Entoto Park Fine Art Gallery  

Please Note that Entoto Park Fine Art Gallery and
Entoto Art Gallery has two Different Addresses.

Entoto Art Gallery 
Africa Avenue, Abyssinia Real Estate Building 
Opening Hours: Monday - Sunday 07:00am - 09:30pm 
For more info: +251-116157871


Useful trees and shrubs for Ethiopia:

Identification, Propagation and

 Management for 17 Agroclimatic Zones

Azene Bekele-Tesemma

Edited by
Bo Tengnรคs, Ensermu Kelbesa, Sebsibe Demissew and Patrick Maundu

The contents of this handbook may be reproduced without special permission. However, acknowledgement of the source is requested. The photographers and artists concerned must be contacted for the reproduction of illustrations. The views expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of World Agroforestry Centre.


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