The Wild Forest of the Ancient

The Wild Forest of the Ancient

The Wild and Fertile Forest from the Ancient Era.

The Capital Below the Mist of Horizon

Very remote vaguely appears, these civilizations settlements here from the elevated location on the outer rim of the high plateau (16). Among these enchanted juniper hills and hidden paths, dreams of pure nature are offered by almost every view, also in the mighty abyss and canyon's uphill adventure. The stunning location of these described rock pools (14) is near. Still, this mysteriously secluded gorge with its seductive twilight paths is even closer, where its pathways first gently rise from (B) towards the tributary creek (36) within the loop (14). These natural baths and pools above Bees' Cliff (14) and their sheer proximity by cliffhanging high over the abyss constitute a surprisingly adventurous, beautiful picnic place. However, the site is equally breathtakingly beautiful and thrillingly dramatic since it includes the shocking introduction of the actual waterfall of the abyss and its chasm.

16. Among breathtaking Views and Juniper Giants' care

A little behind the camera's typical view of the dim-capped Capital is a group of magnificent and powerful Juniperus procera trees. These indigenous Juniper trees are unique and appear to have an origin from a past culture, and are here very near, just some steps uphill towards Bees' Cliff (14). Arriving at this high viewpoint and the outermost plateau ledge (16) contributes to a substantial rise in the landscape. Due to this high drama, the landscape offers some beautiful and exciting rests with magnificent scenery, historical surprises, old Italian fortifications (B) - (38), and surprisingly dignified furrowed patina trees.

A Forgotten Era of Nature & Serenity

The Route to the View (16) Above the Capital
& Further Description of the Area
A. The Character of Entoto Kidane Mehret's Valley.

The square [A] serves as a directed and facilitating figure to more easily find points (5)(22), and (37), which are located and encircle the valley at Entoto Kidane Mehret (32).  This area (A) begins most of the following hiking trails described.  The Italian-built spring water facility (19) is near and within the young family's requirements. Therefore this cosy place (19) is an excellent choice for most picnics with children's activities in intimate nature. 

B. The Invitation to the crossroad of wilderness.
The still, gently upward hike shown within circle (B) includes points (35), (38), and (39) and constitutes both a crossroads of somewhat wild paths but also a beautiful rise on a ledge of some metres threshold. This crossroads is located just to the right of point (38), but regardless of the hiking paths within the loop point (B), all of these will soon reach the outer rim of the high plateau.

Assisting Maps Directing Tools

While this type of orientation assistance is compatible with visitors to foreign habits, other requirements are demanded to fulfil the tradition of the native population, who prefer to use their own orientation in the landscape of the revered past.

An Intended Clockwork Provides Direction
 and Orientation Assistance in the Circle (B)

When considering the circle (B), the possibility arises of using it as a directional pointer of the type that uses the traditional dial of the pointer's intended tip as an excellent tool for finding otherwise hidden objects. Thus, the intended direction set at 3:30 shows a pleasantly elevated area above the field (39). This metre-raised ledge is the site of several unique and older native Juniper procera trees. These furrowed Juniper trees tower, awe-inspiring, where they dominate the surroundings like a mighty crown on the slope above the field (39).

A Gentle Mountainous Highland Landscape 

With Ancient Patinated Trees from the Past

A site of old native Podocarpus falcatus
trees, appears in mighty veneration.
Podocarpus falcatus (P. gracilior)
Directions and assistance at the Map Loop (B)

The map circle (B), this southern hillside appears at a somewhat high altitude on the map, where a beautiful rising ledge appears, including a crossroad within this change in the topography of this exciting landscape. When the map loop (B) with its intended pointer reaches its full extent at 4:30, it points to an area south of the field (39). This rather wild and wavy slope is a fantastic area with a few tremendous native Podocarpus trees, all muscularly proudly posing on this hilly southern slope in almost antique motion where these trees just above appear to hide deeply from a forgotten past. 

Landscape and Paths of the Southern Slopes
Indigenous Podocarpus trees (see the photo to the right) found from a much previous era appear admirably muscular and furrowed around the large farmhouse (39) area just below point (16), which are a great pleasure for any soul with a passion for nature. Just here, within the map circle (B), below viewpoint (16), is the farmhouse (39) with large Juniperus procera trees along its upper hillside. Soon after point (39), the path turns slightly to the right towards the location (16) where a landscape of lost dreams infuse fragrances of  Juniper trees in purging resurgence where each soul offers' a realm of sweetest ardour.

Golden Meadows Among Adorable Junipers

The path (42) shown within loop (14) to Entoto Natural Park (Nursery) 34 is a pleasant wandering with a minimum change in altitude. It usually allows wading with suitable dry rocks over the west side of the meandering stream. This direction passes just a little beside the natural pools above Bees' Cliff (14) and then further north through an open forest before arriving at the Nursery (34).

Mysterious Shadows in Twilight

 Deliver Adventure Beyond Knowledge

Those who want a deeper Juniper forest emerge from the mist of history concealed near 50 years old wild and original Juniperus procera woodland. This primaeval forest (40) is close to the east of point (16) but still hidden behind an elevated ridge and on the eastern slope. This native Juniper forest provides a unique insight into how nature emerged before introducing the Eucalyptus from Australia over 100 years ago.

Trees, Shrubs, Flowers and Herbs

Indigenous Trees with Patina in Unique Terrain

The intended direction indicator allows a method to be used here with a limited length of the intended dial. This method also provides for centrally distinguishing locations on the intended clockwork. Consequently, as this intended pointer reaches 60% of its entire length, and at four o'clock, it becomes possible to find a magnificent native Podocarpus tree to the left of the hiking trail.

The Healing Capacity of a Native Forest.
The natural health and fertile beauty in this indigenous Juniper forest (40) illuminates with precision the healing ability of a native forest and the severe nature and habitat destruction that occurred at the introduction of the Eucalyptus tree. The importance of careful research regarding knowledge in natural science is given a rigorous and evident example before any foreign species is regarded as possible for an introduction into an unfamiliar and vulnerable habitat.

The High Plateau and its Brook Wade (41-42)
This is the beginning of the high plateau where invitingly gentle cliff formations offer this picturesque wade across the brook (35), thus giving the entrance to the path (42) towards Entoto Natural Park (Nursery). This brook represents just here the separation between the eroded road (41) and the continuing trail (42) towards Entoto Natural Park (Nursery). The waterfall at Bees' Cliff  (14) and its secret vaults are very close here. When gazing further along the canyon to the south, it delivers a dreamlike, fragrant hint of this nature's serenity. Enchantingly attractive, far below the curtains of the morning's mysterious veils, reveals Entoto Kidane Mehret and the Capital.

A High Plateau Trail from South-East to North-West.
Although, this ground road (41) towards the rock pools of Bees' Cliff (14) is eroded and requires some maintenance before use by cautious, conventional tourist vehicles. However, its extent is suitable for reaching these nature pools at Bees' Cliff  (14). It is, therefore, an open and beautiful road for a promenade to the rock baths or further brook passage to Entoto Natural Park (Nursery) 34.

Mountain Maps & Alerts -

The Assistance of Path Directions

The area of loops (B) and (14) require caution but
assists by the wide map loop surrounding the
points 38, 39, 36 and 41-42
Further Description of this Landscape
The Arrival on the High Plateau, Above (14) - (16)
Within the upper right part of the map loop (14) is the threshold of the high table. Behind now are Bees' Cliff's adventurous and beautiful experience and the adorable viewpoint (16). But still, they are very near, with Bees' Cliff just some ten metres to the south and the delightful view (16), now behind but yet in close walking contact, in pleasant memory as it lingers enticingly below the outer ledge of the high plateau's southern rim.

42. The Path Towards Entoto Natural Park (Nursery) 
The landscape to the north is very moderate and reveals very soon; the beautiful path  (42) to Entoto Natural Park (Nursery) 34, where extensive work has elapsed with nature restoration for many years. With this excursion towards the Nursery, the impression of the high plateau is an evident and relaxing contrast to the steep hiking up from the sculptural river banks at Kidane Mehret (32). 
The superficial water-conducting metal pipe (37) assists the mountain hike where its apparent suitability begins on the slope above the valley [A] and reaches a gentle high level on the slope.


[CAUTION] - Precautionary Commitments


Enchanting Forest to the East of View-point (16)

However, this forest is somewhat enchanting, and as the paths end beyond its boundary, this can cause great difficulty for orientation. This original forest is captivatingly wild and consists of these more than 50 years old indigenous Juniperus procera trees that provide a unique contact to nature with somewhat exotic primaeval lushness and a great surprise beyond what a visitor would usually expect in such proximity to the Capital. This native Juniper woodland (40) is massive in appearance and stunning in vitality, with a perfect, lush and dense undergrowth. Although the most adventurous and dangerous site instead is Bees' Cliff (14), depicted here to the right with its treacherously concealed abyss.

The Secure Way Back for Lost and Worried People
To find out from this enchanting and beautiful original forest (40) just east of point (16), a lost person only ought to follow its very apparent slope down the east of the valley and thus in short contact with the open environment and clear paths that quickly show where you are in the relationship with the rest of the Park. In addition, point (19) and further the valley [A] of Entoto Kidane Mehret (32) are very close and reached quickly. This pleasant return Entoto Kidane Mehret (32) is a gentle route downwards without gorges or precipices. 

The Environment, Culture and Prosperity

Science, time and labour remain critical for environmental restoration; this demand includes massive protection projects to offer the young plants the replacement for the lost ground of the ecological heritage (biotope) and its vital natural protective properties. Hence, restoring a lost biotope is complicated and requires much work to recreate a reliable substitute for the missing shielding armour of the primaeval forest. Therefore, due to the absence of the essential protective functions of mother trees and other plants, enormous efforts are required to recreate these guardian functions for the tender indigenous seedlings, which otherwise do not survive the very exposed ground.

Nature History & Environmental Science
The Restoration Of Lost Nature
A Precarious and Fragile Task

The Podocarpus tree in the image to the right carries a unique heritage that can be very important for the Park's legacy. The seed of this small tree was picked from the mother tree in the circle (B), west of the path, left of the area (39) and clearly above (38). Podocarpus falcatus (P. gracilior).

Podocarpus Trees Next to the Paths
To see several other indigenous Podocarpus trees requires looking just below this field (39 ) and to the right side in the lower part of Circle (B). These trees just above appear to hide deeply from a forgotten past. This rather wild and wavy slope is fantastic with several native Podocarpus falcatus trees, which muscularly proudly pose from an antique on this hilly southern slope.

The Panorama Photographs Show the View from Plateau Ledge No. 16.
From viewpoint (16), it provides resting places for picnics in social tranquillity and contemplation about the unique nature, which is facilitated quickly by the high point of view, even over the mist-veiled Capital far below the southern slopes. Much closer, the farmhouse is reminded and not far below even the spiritually chanting walls of Entoto Kidane Mehret Church (32).

Indigenous Trees  This photograph shows native Juniper trees and the view from plateau ledge No. 16.

Plant a tree with Inside Ethiopia Tours

Inside Ethiopia, Tours invites you to be part of an unforgettable experience in Entoto Natural Park. We will meet in our office, located in Kazanchis (just in front of the UNECA back entrance), and our guide will accompany you in the local taxis up to the mountain. This is an excellent opportunity for you to experience Ethiopian commuting.

Once we arrive on Entoto Mountain, where the capital city was first founded in 1886, you will undoubtedly feel like having mentholated topical ointment. We want to promote indigenous seedling planting in Ethiopia by contributing to the Ethiopian Green Legacy.



The total amount you donate will be used in Ethiopia.
The Trust is registered with Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs for Gift Aid.

Ethiopian Heritage Trust (UK)


  1. I wish for the great of success in all of our destiny endeavors


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