Entoto Natural Park's southern slope

The picture shows a native Podocarpus tree west of the farmhouse (39) - (B)
Vernacular names: (Am: Zigba) (Or: Birbirsa)

Practical Hiking Notes from the Park

These hiking notes describe the Park's beautiful and cold morning hours, especially those around the southern slopes and the high plateau. These experiences from this vast and unique nature thus form the basis for future environmental work and the opportunity to provide materials to help visitors with pleasant weekend trips. 

Taxi or Hike from the Capital 
The means of transport to reach the Park's large work area at dawn was usually either by regular taxi or hike from Addis Ababa's centre to the end station at the community of  Entoto Kidane Mehret (1). These excursions often continued to the high plateau and further to the nearby highlands of Oromia, well located in Entoto Natural Park (Nursery). The actual mountain hiking started at the sanctuary of Entoto Kidane Mehret (32) and continued within the wild and mountainous part of the Park.


Towards the Fresh Well-Fragrance Of Highlands

Entoto's threshold rises majestically over the valley [A], where the mountain's southern slope and further mighty hillside invite the first steps of mysterious acquaintance towards this profoundly venerated and historical highland. Here underneath the sanctuary (32) within its concealed valley [A,] of Entoto Kidane Mehret (1) rises the first steps of the mountain's hillside towards Entoto's high plateau. The multiple choices of paths continue from this valley [A] towards native mountain nature with secret places of pure serenity and often with views of breathtakingly beautiful sights. In majestic veneration of reverence, this primaeval precipice of mysterious secret guise from the past appears to visitors as it towers above a relatively high altitude. Caution is, therefore, an essential foundation for preparation because the mountain's rise is quite demanding for visitors with otherwise healthy activities from the lowland experience.

An introduction to Entoto's southern slope

Bees' Cliff 14 requires caution in the Canyon, but
assists by the wide map loop surrounding the
 gentle and fascinating 
points 36 and 41-42
Description of the Hiking Paths
The Path to the Gorgeous River-Dell
The hidden path between the Sanctuary and the gorge runs attractively behind Entoto Kidane Mehret (32) in a concealed curve below its wall and passes through a small part of the village before the path  (5) opens along a deep ravine and finishes with a downhill towards a traditional bridge. This bridge crossing over the sculptural gorge within the valley [A] with the cosy picnic source (19) is also the natural start for more dramatic hikes towards the high plateau by the first passing point (37) or (19).

A Valley for Relaxation and Family Picnics
Captivating sublime reveals highland scenes, often with the drama of canyon nature and aesthetically unforgettable dream paths. Well-fragrant and aesthetically alluring are these paths from Entoto Kidane Mehret's valley [A], furthermore also the location of the sculptural river-dell and handcrafted bridge just beneath this sanctuary (32). Thus delivers the first gentle invitation to the mountain's raised hillside. Description of Entoto Kidane Mehret (32) 

The Invitation to the trees from the past, Circle (B)
The still, gentle upward hike shown within Circle (B) includes points (35)(38), and (39) and constitutes both crossroads and, with them belonging, somewhat wild paths. This lower circle (B) area also includes a significant but gentle ledge that rises some metres in the hillside and provides a beautiful, charming landscape elevation. To the left of this crossroad is the location for the intriguing underground water ruin-fort (38) - (B). with its captivating view and somewhat dramatic picnic opportunities. 

The Canyon and its River give direction in the Circle (B)
Two rugged crossroads appear along the lower section of the map loop (B) just to the right of the Canyon with its river (35) and one in the lower part of the circle (B). The second crossroad's location is to the right, just outside the ring. However, these crossroads align with the lower part of the circle (B). The Italian fortification (38) - (B) provides an eastern pointing direction for both crossroads. Regardless, the choice of their following paths will soon contact the continued walk towards higher grounds.

A Grandiose Viewpoint with Exciting Adventures

The Resting Place from the Era of Dreams

The high viewpoint (16) is here very near and within a short uphill walk, just above the map loop (B) with its gorgeous meadow and Podocarpus trees (16). With its stunning panorama mile-wide view over the landscape, this high site (16) appears charmingly cosy, surrounded by the historical and to Podocarpus related and ancient Juniper procera trees. To reach this site just at the outer rim of the high plateau requires a little detour to the slight right after passing the farmhouse (39) - (B)Arriving at the high viewpoint (16) and the outermost plateau ledge, this seductively blooming fragrance adventure appears, despite the challenges, as entirely captivating. Although this mountain exploration offers a somewhat thrilling experience with a hint of demand, all this is because the substantial rise in the mountain's southern hillside provides several wonderful and exciting rests with magnificent sceneries. Therefore, this highland route offers an excursion with its typical mountain's tempting highland air and enchantingly harsh terrain.

Mountain Hiking Preparations

Despite this somewhat harsh highland air, the hiking is captivating and comfortable but requires regular rest. Of course, drinking regularly from the brought-with and rugged water bottle is also essential. Restaurants and amenities at Entoto Kidane Mehret Sanctuary (32) and community (1).


  • 1. This area's ancient legends and reverence for its description thus call for the responsibility of reproducing a comprehensive, reliable, and inspiring creative image of the Park's character.

  • 2. These vast experiences of a captivating nature, landscape and the area's golden majesty, although often mysteriously veiled guise, formed the basis of the alluring and irresistible motivation that made every severe step with the Park's work an inspiring but usually demanding task.

  • 3. Through the mountain's unique and legendary past and the dramatically beautiful and gracious nature, a physical and visual stimulus was given that inspired and created pure and deep joy for other ever-extensive mountain walks.

  • 4. These mountain walks were often made from the Addis Ababa city centre early in the morning and well before any dawn light, usually about 6 - 6:30 a.m., with the regular taxi to the station of Entoto Kidane Mehret (1).

  • 5. Since these very early mornings were near frigid cold and, besides, the highland air somewhat demanding, this weather situation meant that the choice of clothing was characterized by what is otherwise usually used in northern latitudes or alpine areas.

  • 6. Solid backpacks were also large enough to store warm clothes and rugged water bottles when daytime temperatures usually rose to about 20 ° Celsius, making the winter clothes too warm.

  • 7. These very early mornings of long and chilly hiking offered nature and wildlife experiences that would not have been possible if a later hour had been chosen. Furthermore, early mornings allowed a return to the Capital around lunchtime. 

  • 8. This return to the Capital was made by taxi or bus from either the station at Entoto Kidane Mehret (1), with its picturesque town and beautiful sanctuary, or by taxi from Entoto Maryam (43), located on the high plateau.

  • 9. This return journey at lunch hours constituted well-being and magnetic stimulation for the continued days with mountain experiences. The choice of more extended hiking would have very demanding and purely exhausting effects in this often a rather steep highland and harshly high altitude condition.


Alerts: Safety and Security

Note that the mountain massif is vast and has highly dramatic terrain. Hence, the family on an excursion should avoid the tiring adventure tours beyond sense and sight over the landscape of the mountain range. This cautious observance in the family's daily routine regards the family's well-being and pleasure in the CanyoCanyonhe vast high plateau. This caution is crucial because the beauty and ordeals of each place are just at the upper limits for a pleasurable excursion. **Therefore, Do Not Combine the family today's new mountain adventure on the same day with tiring and exhausting fluttering trips between Entoto Kidane Mehret (1) and Entoto Park (Z), including Entoto Maryam (43).

 Entoto Kidane Mehret's Sanctuary and Secluded Town

Entoto Kidane Mehret (1) is a quaint town in its secluded mountain ledge but in pleasant contact above the Capital. The Capital and the Park are much integrated, yet surprisingly, the mountain nature often remains mysterious, wild and disguised by the topography. Thus, the concealed mountain village and sanctuary (32) of Entoto Kidane Mehret initiate contact with the grandeur of the ancient history and highland. Furthermore, this sanctuary of  Entoto Kidane Mehret constitutes the first introduction to the nature of the mountainside. Even the high plateau of the Park is intriguingly near yet in an untouched, towering magnificence. The valley [A] and its seductive polished rock-gully allure are just beneath the sanctuary and are thus appropriate to consider an integrated part of each other's nature.

This map description forms the mountain's southern slope
and from point (16), even the threshold to the massif
of  Entoto's high plateau rising shoulder.
Detailed Map and Route Descriptions
Clear and Pleasant Hiking Trails
The Sanctuary of Entoto Kidane Mehret (32) offers the first impression of a highly located original mountain nature and its overwhelming grandiose impressions. A traditional and handcrafted bridge within the map square [A] constitutes a central part of the valley, and the river crosses just below the sanctuary of Entoto Kidane Mehret (32). With this, the first careful invitation to a flavour of wilderness is given, but with a mysterious feeling of an unknown grandeur, still only waiting to be revealed.

[A] Entoto Kidane Mehret's valley and its paths
Here are the experiences of the ravine and the river in its fascinating formations in overwhelming contact. Within this open valley [A] are pathways and bridge crossing locations. This enticingly cosy valley and its inspiring gully attract while waiting in pleasure. Thus, stay for a while and not risk losing its beauty, but spiritually remain in harmony and fully engulf its full beauty of sculptural shape and its feeling of just waiting for premonition adventures.

Mountain Maps & Alerts with Assistance 
of Path Directions [A] - (B) - (14)

The superficial water-conducting metal pipe (37)—[A] assists the mountain hike, and its apparent suitability begins on the slope above the valley [A]. This place is easily reached from below the valley [A] with comfortable passing between a couple of cottages before it continues and reaches a gentle high level on the mountain's shoulder. 

This sculptural and inviting valley [A] constitutes the borders that form the double-directed visual field, including the mountain itself and the concealed plateau ledge of Entoto Kidane Mehret (1). The settlement of Entoto Kidane Mehret is very gently rising above valley [A] but well above its bridge and captivating glen formation. The landscape within the valley [A] reveals Entoto Kidane Mehret's height in the west. Thus, after arriving from the picnic and play at (19) and the valley [A], the scene delivers a welcoming and near east-facing silhouette of Entoto Kidane Mehret's concealed plateau ledge.

Thus, close to this ancient mountain, the cosy, secluded plateau of Entoto Kidane Mehret (1) and (32) represents the base for many adventures. Majestically but quaintly elevated is this settlement (1) with its community and sanctuary, Entoto Kidane Mehret (32). Furthermore, within this valley's [A] pleasant undulated embrace of the mountain's base is the location of the Italian water reservoir (19) concealed underground. This place is the most charming location for family activities, and this is because of the pleasure of direct visual contact with mountain nature. This place is an absolute delight for any young family on pleasant sunny day hours, with its beautifully undulated promenade along the sculptural glen. After a few minutes, arrive at this concealed water source (19) for family picnics and activities.

The Rising Shoulder of Entoto's Massif

Viewpoint No.16 with Indigenous Juniper Trees
The Paths Towards the High Plateau.
Here, the trails follow a clear direction up to Entoto's high plateau, including all of these exciting and surprisingly attractive paths along the eastern slope of the CanyoCanyon'srbank; they are straightforward to follow in the landscape.

A significant number of routes towards the viewpoint.
The visible clarity in the appearance and selection of trails is apparent here, thanks to the attractive overview of the panoramic and sculptural character of the landscape together with this very family-friendly Canyon.

A Guiding Canyon Deliver Path Assistance

The open and pleasant contact with the lush hillside of these riverbanks entices continuously towards the river (35) - (B) deeply within the canyoCanyonce the water flow is often calm, it offers multiple passages, using some cliff formation and, in comfort, passing over to the opposite side of the canyoCanyon mysterious twilight cleft is apparent and an excellent place for the well-equipped family to appreciate unforgettable, thrilling adventures. However, the most pleasant magical mountain views are equally near, where cosy picnic places offer an utterly captivating nature.

The Native Podocarpus and Juniper Trees of the Southern slope

Some Podocarpus trees, found from a much previous era, appear admirably muscular and patina furrowed around the extensive farmhouse (39) area within map circle (B), just below the high plateau ledge (16). Very near point (16) is the location of the farmhouse (39) within map circle (B) with large Juniperus procera trees along its upper hillside. Furthermore, upwards, the path turns slightly to the right towards the location (16), just at the high plateau's outer edge and even here with many incredible stately Juniper trees. These places are very near the outermost borders of the high table, and the delightful formation and concealed drama in the landscape are a great pleasure for people with a passion for nature.


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