Charles Darwin and Sigmund Freud in Synergy


Charles Darwin and Sigmund Freud in Synergy 

1. With glowing passion and warmth, it is a dear talk among the residents of Entoto about when the water level a long time after the rainy season still stood one metre higher in Entoto's canyon streams and its enchanting Nature. It seems obvious to reconcile Sigmund Freud's description of the human psyche with Charles Darwin's legendary explanation of the origin of species. Despite this, it may seem unpleasant to many to treat humans as a species among others and to analyze humankind on this scientific basis. Undeniably, there is a temptation hidden here in human culture to rise above the raw marks of Nature and instead emphasize mythology about humanity's divine origin.

2. From a scientific background, such a proclamation of divine providence glorification within man's origin is pure humbug, although this phenomenon prevails very strongly throughout humankind's civilizations. However, it's important to emphasize that even if regularly occurring frauds, fabrications, or pure ignorance of any religious view of human existence is commonly occurring, this religious heritage is a likely favourable method for developing cultures and societies since this spiritual fate assists the group's ability to cooperate due to the mighty control of their convinced religious beliefs. Thus, humankind's behaviour and biology remain intertwined within the human species in a far too complex problem web to summarise simply, where many ramifications of human behaviour combine to create the very difficulty that constitutes the human species and its civilizations throughout the ages.

The Roman Flexible Glass
History and Mythology
3. The civilizations' higher inherited framework constitutes a heritage of subconsciously selective bars with its obstructing gridwork of restrictions within the cultures' cradle, forming a limiting insight for humankind's perception through history. Here, humans remain strictly within the recommended limitation, where the people's minds remain locked in the cradle of their given culture. Thus, the intuitive need for repeated paradigms with chosen comfort in the given culture's cradle delivers an inclination to emotional security in simplifications that drastically limit the choice to appreciate any scientific or technological advancement above and more significant than the own culture's cradle.

4. Therefore, unique possibilities for civilizations' healthy and prosperous development often remain lost due to the dominant population's inclination to aversion and intuitive forbidding attitude. Here, with few exceptions, the inhabitants refuse complications unknown to society's cultural cradle of comfort zones and instead cling to their repeated habits. The claims about these emotional comfort zones as the primary source for behaviour paradigms among the more prestigious parts of any society are valid yet highly precariously sensitive. Therefore, a cautious recommendation prevails to exclude this background of human behaviour from those communities or individuals who prefer and demand venerated admiration.

5. Certainly attracts the glimmering gems for any glamour of courtship but, with the exception when these technological development valuable means prove their connection to emotional lust or acute needs for survival in war, the more advanced possibilities for society's development usually among the majority evoke immediate reluctance against the inventor of unknown technology or science as an unnecessarily disturbed individual. Therefore, opportunities for progress often remain beyond human reach and have been lost throughout the ages. Still, they are tantalizingly foreboding in their strangely evasive and provocative form, where they hide from the onslaught of humanity. Consequently, unique possibilities for the development of civilization often remain lost due to the legacy of despots' degenerated inclination in forbidding attitudes against the uniquely gifted. Here, with few exceptions, the perpetrators' progeny, in aversion, refuses advancement. In these circumstances, the individuals introduced to novel knowledge always face the decisive fate of being alienated, persecuted, tragically, and often habitually and fatally eliminated, and this has been the case throughout the records of human history.

6. Due to the intellectual limitations of repeated simplifications within the comfort zones of the inherited cultural cradle, aversion against unknown and more advanced knowledge arises. Thereby, demands prevail strongly from these populations' cultural cradle to remain stable within ordinary societies' paradigms of restricting reluctance. Here, the tight-bound cultural cradle population barricades emotionally to such an extent that difficulties arise in aversions, anxiety and even hostilities when any member of the tight-bound population catches glimpses of something too complicated and unknown. Through the tight network of cultural obstructive bars, which obscures views towards reality, this obstructing phenomenon is usually destiny for most populations. Exceptions from this rule of preferred reluctance against the novel knowledge are vital, provided that this object's required knowledge is tightly and directly connected to facilitate emotional pleasure or undeniable threats against personal survival during the nearest future. Despite the otherwise obscured by the culture's enforced demands of fabrication and obfuscation of the worldview, there existed historically a possible path to rescue, albeit still risking losing the deviating individuals after the horrific and habitual persecution.  Hence, in modern times, a socially lofty but highly precarious shortcut alludes to the solution and the gate opener for previously mentioned obscured and even forbidden knowledge.

With the loss of the Platonic Academy and its enormous talents,
this degeneration would require over a thousand years to find
 these lost genius works. Thanks to the fact that a few escaped
with their expertise from Plato's Academy, not all of their
unique profession went to flames; it was translated 
into Latin before the Renaissance. Yet, the Platonic
Academy's way of culture and science remains
that all humankind can try to interpret.

7. Thus, despite all the cultural hindrances, although highly sensitive to envy, the simple and obvious attraction remains for advancement due to protection from the obvious laws within the walls of institutions. Therefore, the enticement for advancement prevails here with its relative safety due to the scientists' source of glamour and scientific prestige. Within this environment of protective support, from the comfort of familiarity with mixed-sex positive emotion, contemporary universities claim to ensure protective acceptance for gifted individuals. However, due to the advantages of diplomacy, it's highly recommended to use a prudent manner of expression, and caution should prevail here with an analysis of humankind. Hence, prevail with high importance of excluding information regarding any revealed evolutionary psychology impact on humans deriving from the simple source of a heritage in envy. Thus, the mentioned theory of the required paradigm of simplifications and persecution of the deviating is essential to exclude since this evokes precarious upset feelings and has labile effects on cooperation in the social foundation.

8. Observe that high social precaution should prevail due to the tender subject of any omnipotent subconscious heritage, whose corrupted form conveys inclinations to control social networks covertly and often maliciously. As the hazardous, hidden and disgraced force prevails in secrecy behind humankind's genetic and cultural evolution is precariously provocating, it indeed appears appropriate in a convenient diplomatic manner by excluding this information in shared social contacts, thus ensuring a more pleasant reception among people in common and thereby also in modern society's cultural institutions. Despite these subconscious inherited demands for careful censorship and their severe obstacles to the development of today's society, the gifted sometimes catch glimpses of a much sharper reality, which defiantly and faintly glimmers with a glow that originates from a significantly sharper and often forbidden reality not yet established as knowledge within the culture.

9. The illuminating forbidden knowledge from the glimpses cracks of humankind's obscurely armoured cradle's grid provides suggestive glimpses of a much more advanced reality that may offer decisive opportunities for developing civilizations. Yet, it may appear extremely strange that human culture undergoes such profoundly sluggish and rigid changes and even millennia of degeneration for intuitive and autonomously concealed purposes to obscure opportunities for positive interests. Hence, these obstructing factors block the inspiring development of societies through involuntary emotions against gifted deviating individuals. Although these autonomous urges in inclinations for aggression against gifted individuals usually are not intentionally heinous actions, instead, they are locked within the somewhat covertly intuitively compulsive consciousness. Undoubtedly, by the time these subconsciously alienating habits risk a fall into obtaining flagrant solidity from the corruption of might derived from the generations' inherited culture where these covert aggressions transform into a gruesomely hierarchical ideal.

10. Hence, subconscious emotions within intuitively covert regulated traditions often hinder societies from obtaining high-performance capabilities since these talented individuals, at an early age, naturally become severely rejected from using their inspiration and profession. Thus, within any contemporary institution, these cultures' inherited obstacles should pass an investigation and scrutiny where they likely appear highly inappropriate or even prohibited by law, as they can seriously damage civilization's development. It is common knowledge among the conventional wisdom that obtaining high performance from talented individuals always entails that these individuals, without exception, should be allowed to like their willingness to work and their studies. Despite all the splendid experiences from logotherapy and this background of required stimulus, it is extraordinary that today's forms of education do almost everything to counteract an opportunity for positive stimulus as a potent tool for obtaining the sought-after high-performance ability of each uniquely gifted individual.

Viktor E. Frankl survived the country's cultural malignant
syndrome of idolizing leadership and the ignorance of
the country's blindly locked hordes. These experiences
from within the camp gave clear evidence of the
requirement of meaning in life situations to
provide the stimulus for survival.
11. Of course, any rudimentary academic approach in search of a solution to this precarious subject presupposes these young, gifted individuals get the highest priority through honest questions about the most extraordinary stimulus in their passions for science, literature, or art. The answers obtained from these individuals should naturally form the basis for configuring the required stimulus from their requested education. For example, it seems unbelievably ridiculous to ignore the highly gifted in any deep science or art and instead give these young people endless lists of silly repetitions. The obvious danger here is that the gifted withdraw in complete resignation from what they see as the utter futility of existence.
12. Through this directly harmful approach towards young people, there is an increased risk that these young and gifted people, in their experiences as rejected and unwanted, will leave an encouraging development and instead resort to personal decay in addiction or even hazardous activities hostile to society. Perhaps these naive legacies in comforting ideals of ignorance within modern society, with their nasty touch of hostility against the deviating now in modern times, can deliver the background to any keen observer about history's enormous loss of cultural advancement due to the inherited intolerance against the gifted deviating. 

13. Thus, with the fall of antiquity, in its aftermath of decline into the heinously corrupted and insidiously disgraced, its fabricated cradle of intuitive naive deception became subconsciously grafted on humanity. Still, this treacherously subtle shift in human behavioural paradigms illuminates how unique cultures became lost in outermost degeneration and cataclysms, delaying civilization's development over a millennium. Consequently, strong suspicions arise here that there are hidden and strange motivational grounds to not merely stop young talents in an insidiously inherited way from obtaining joy and stimulus in their upbringing to youth and adulthood but, furthermore, basically to graft such deeply insidiously subconsciously corrupting ideals within the culture that these obstacles all together interrupt humankind's path towards development. Hence, the enduring subtle shift in human behavioural paradigms illuminates how unique cultures became lost due to outermost degeneration and cataclysms, thus delaying civilization's development by millenniums. Undoubtedly, it follows here concern about the background to the brutal rise of corrupting ideals, which find their way to covertly controlling humankind's judgement and, further, if these covert obstacles are culturally inherited or even genetically hard-wired since ages. The disgraceful shade of humanity's insidiously sinister persona seems to hide in this phenomenon. Yet, this covert legacy endures insidiously agile with its autonomously firmly configured locked and heinous vault of forbidden interpretations of humankind's essential behaviour features. 

14. Indeed, it seems repulsive that this insidiously covert yet flagrant phenomenon of a very hard-chained but treacherously evasive behaviour paradigm endures, hiding and developing within the depths of ordinary citizens' subconsciousness and thus controlling the configuration of civilization's development. But this phenomenon's insidious power and scope are so mighty that it evokes compulsive aversion in ordinary people if they catch any sign of the terrible source of humiliation in their daily lives. This humiliation is the sign of their shortcomings, where the unpleasant truths knock on the door of their shame, where their true soul resides in the blunt and blind evil of their mysteriously forbidden subconscious. Such a rigid constitution of ignorance certainly raises suspicion of a still dominant, very old, and autonomously simplified genetically inherited blockage for any further analysis of this tender problem within humankind's cultures. Indeed, solid indications prove how this flagrant phenomenon remains hard-locked and beyond grasp or permission within the imaginary vault of humanity. Therefore, despite history providing such enormous records and obvious evidence about an intuitive and cradle-borne contempt of deviating talent, obstacles above and more solid the culture itself appear to hinder such interpretation of such wickedness concealed within human behaviour. 

15. Thus, within this destructively odd and insidiously disguised persecution of deviant talents within the modern culture, the shaky and elusive answers to this wicked behaviour of humans through the ages lie hidden most often beyond time and grasp.  Therefore, the perpetual contemplative inquiry prevails about why these covert and insidiously eroding and destructive paradigms of prohibition and subconscious censorship in persecution endure as dominant and intuitively in prestige held for granted as considered sane behaviour. The answer to this enigma of foul pride lies within the creation of culture in mass where there is no comforting tolerance for doubt about its structure. There are, of course, those who thrive in an education system that follows the inherited paradigms to eliminate the presence of highly talented young people. Hence, those young people who succeed in repetitive and extremely simplified forms of surroundings most likely thrive in comfort to avoid seeing individuals superior to them in any scientific genre. Therefore, this subconsciously controlled and inherited rule of modest and frugal ideals covertly infuses its overwhelmingly socially solid boundaries of obstacles in aversion against the more refined and far sharper opportunities. Thus, in the generation-grown tradition where obedience in naivety is strongly favoured to fit simplified ideals, this autonomous selection naturally prioritizes people satisfied with never seeing beyond the borders of their rudimentary education.

A Lost and Forbidden Era
16. Indeed, the opportunities for advancing humankind's cultural cradle endure long periods of direct and subconscious censorship of nefarious rigidity and even aeons in degeneration due to deeply corrupt reasons in a legacy of outright bestial-induced elements hierarchically enforced from an early time in humankind's history. Therefore, well concealed behind generations of enforced censorship, the subconscious tries to endure the pressure in a sensitive balance even when encountering legacies of bestialities from the morbid selection of the past. Thus, due to the deceived persona of the population, their cultural behaviour becomes corrupted, thereby obstructing and obscuring the paths and visions of humankind. 

17. However, behind the bars of humankind's cage, made of fabricated obstacles and statical social norms, prevails nothing more than a culturally enforced inheritance where most individuals must exist. Thus, humankind's civilizations throughout history often have to endure long periods of psychological and physiological torments in cycles of repeating cataclysmic paradigms and there between personal occurring corrosive agony about what is wrong where they usually never find the natural source of their discomfort or the hidden background of their life's trauma. Instead, people often presume their health is the source and do not always deduce something hazardous in their life situation.

18. Undoubtedly, within any higher civilization of ordinary standard, most individuals never perceive moments of emotional discomfort or negative experiences as a product of their society's shortcomings due to its hard-wired connection to a covert and destructive heritage. Instead, ordinary citizens deny in reluctance the interpretation that any sign of their true identity is being victims under an imposed corrupt heritage of malignant cultural and genetic deceiving origin. Hence, these citizens within the dangerously deceptive and brittle guise of the fully functioning and culturally harmonious society experience moments of social and emotional discomfort as dependent on other people's or other populations' evil intent, destructive habits or intentional malice. In this way, the majority does not resent being ruled or damaged by partial morbidity within cultural or genetic inheritance. Instead, the majority believe that their heritage is good and most often so by divine providence. Hence, the more significant majority of the covertly deceived, albeit socially harmonious individuals conclude that they occasionally have the misfortune of encountering destructive individuals or cultures in phenomena of evil origin who intend to harm them or their cultural surroundings.

19. Throughout humankind's history, these cycles of tragedies in typical cases of classical aggressive alienation towards deviating individuals and minorities frequently as plagues evolve into horrible persecution and genocide. Hence, even within prominent populations, yet silent and insidiously, as the unknown source of the epidemic, incorporates this dangerously magnified mindset of intuitive separation in hostilities against the unpleasantly deviating. Here, within valid historical records of vileness, the combination of profoundly subconscious envy, nasty greed and terrible persecution against minorities and individuals corrosively endures as one of the most flagrant and awful records of humankind's modern history. Thereby, this covert heritage of genetically and subconsciously amplified emotions for profits and property traps the population in a fixed path towards unspeakable terror and is all too often well supported by a corrupted malicious religious conviction or admiration of such a claimed omnipotent despot. Thus, the power-shared delusive trust within the population enforces their belief that they have the right to end or stop by any intuitive means, the human source and identity that evoke this unpleasant feeling. Therefore, this inherited emotional alienation against deviating success by its overwhelming power in mass in motion to autonomously follow the tragedy of their deceived and spontaneous inclinations, thus efficiently eliminating any identified as unpleasantly complicated individuals or their minorities.

20. However, even if this emotion against foreign elements is often valid in a dangerous conflict, this emotional insecurity against advanced matters and individuals in everyday society usually appears as a wicked and tragic delusion that served their genome in the past's evolutionary advantages. Hence, they endure and even develop this nasty alienation and intuitively bestial will for the depletion of the genetic and cultural heritage of the persecuted minorities or individuals. Thereby, there is a devastating danger in this simple side effect, since this product of intuitive and infantile envy in societies for blaming potentially fabricated visualized harmful actions or phenomena on specific individuals or groups since this prosecution often risks reducing the future's development of the community. Here, the future of gifted and productive individuals loses their opportunities, and this is already at a very young age. In highly hazardous situations, a fatal danger prevails against the innocent young since they do not have the experience to understand the threat in this all too common alienation that regularly activates aggressions against unique heritage or minorities.

21. With the following civil turmoil, persecution and extermination of minorities, this reoccurring horror towards cataclysm endured, chained within in the delusion of the subconscious need of intuitive selfishness for their genetic domination. As a widespread frugal and infantile behaviour fault, this automatically activated selfishness of the genes' unavoidable power over humans, which plagued humankind's civilizations through the ages. All too often, this type of persecution corrosively endures by the control of autocratic leaders of history, who gain profit and power by preferably using their population's inclination to frugal envy as a profitable tool to unify the people against imagined threats and, thereby, build the fabricated foundation of the malignant motivation thus creating and causing the awful records in the human history. Hence, the imminent and recurring danger continues against unique minorities due to the dominant population's discomfort with their presence. However, secondary relaxing and securing effects appear for any larger culture by not addressing the reasons for the discomforts of their own culture's malfunctions as the source of any weakness or their shortcomings but instead blaming the deviating or minority.

22. Thus, the ruling group's harm of misfortune directs their anger and aggression against the individuals who are intuitively perceived to be the cause of the pain in the life situation. Even if this persecution appears to be wholly contained through extreme religious madness or often through beliefs of purely racist elements, these phenomena are utterly regularly occurring within human behaviour. Through public admiration and fear of omnipotent despots prevail the deluded population's eagerness for profits, in the pride of prestige and glamour, although covertly extracted from aggression and persecution. Irresistibly enticed directs the standard population to obediently and intuitively follow their naive legacy by the sinister cause of success with its reward of improved cash flow and its legacy's following behaviour paradigm of abundant blunt and frugal love. Thus, this persecution in a suggestive delusion against individuals or minorities can earn short-term profits in certain circumstances by uniting the larger population's will to efficiency in the face of imagined threats. These up-painted and fabricated threats thus mobilize the otherwise passivated and decadent population, where they would have preferred to indulge in distractions and decadence if not manipulated into the frugal belief of fabricated and imagined danger.

23. Consequently, great attention is crucial here to direct careful observation because the subject is complicated and highly intricate. At first glance, the world's hierarchical civilization's generally prevailing claims about the biology of traditional evolution appear to be entirely customary and accepted practice. On the other hand, it would be strange to assert the opposite, so to speak, that a treacherously intuitive hierarchically guided DNA of hidden and harmful evolutionary optimization of the individual existed. This thesis of damaging DNA for individuals appears contrary to the prevailing opinion and common sense. But despite the cultural and blatantly recurrent intuitive rejection of examining this obscure legacy of humanity, there remains too much tragic evidence of such a dubious legacy in humankind. Despite these ignorance-rejecting possibilities for problem-solving regarding the recurring indignities of man among Homo sapiens, there is nevertheless a historical and worldwide silence about this crucial and often destructive human phenomenon's evolutionary origin. Therefore, this heritage's corrupted nature of ignorant silence and its connection to humanity's evolutionary genes seem obscuringly intertwined and beyond modern culture's know-how. Thus, historical records of strangely powerful but highly evasive nature seem to pass without notice and become emotionally rejected for obscure reasons. 

24. This mysterious subconscious rejection in aversion or ignorance of humanity's evolutionary origin should demand an explanation for such inclinations for covert and highly treacherous historical records. Therefore, the continued text will emphasize that evolution, with power and clarity, has destructive and hidden forces on the individual. Furthermore, the following text will also emphatically describe these dangerous elements of society and evolution and the importance of treating these vital properties with extreme caution and much attention. The significance of this vigilance depends on the importance of the individual's opportunity to develop their and society's health positively. Therefore, it appears to be a noble opportunity for the individual to become the required source for the development of society by carefully considering the corrupted weaknesses of humankind's cultures.

25. The prevailing phenomenon of psychopathy is a susceptible substance that appears obvious, but this should not stimulate avoidance in an analysis of this subject, depending on its unpleasant figure. This importance of observance is due to its regularly recurring behaviour among advanced civilizations and individuals. There is often a reason to suspect that common behavioural patterns indicate a still unknown but significant genetic prehistory. This DNA searched heritage from the forgotten past and then supposedly provided significance for the earlier cultures to fulfil the possibility for an increased survival rate of its individuals' offspring. Regarding psychopathy, this behaviour pattern is widespread among many advanced and straightforward animal species. This inherited behaviour among animals is crucial by fairly obvious causes due to its control of food resources or breeding rights. Regarding humans, the fashionable policy and importance of public empathic reasons and deeds have stimulated primitive psychopathy to undergo a refinement into the subconscious. In this culturally subtle, refined form of unconscious-induced despotism lies the uniqueness of human psychopathy due to its much more advanced behaviour mechanism than animals in common.

In their despair for the sake of their families, a very few
 dared to silently defy the autocrats, and few survived in
 their attempt to undertake any necessary technology
 or work to  promote these water masses to benefit
 the population during periods of heat and drought.
 Therefore, this law of silent terror preceded,
 effectively deteriorating the country.
26. Concerning humans, problems immediately arise with a universal analysis of psychopathy due to the tremendous cultural sensitivity of the issue. In the cultural sensitivity lies the subconscious need for the concealment of human psychopathy, which has undergone a refinement into the forbidden world of actions for necessary reasons. Despite this cultural refinement of modern human psychopathy, it would be only natural to assume that human despotism, despite its culturally polished Nature, is very similar to the psychopathy of mammals in common. 

27. These differences in psychopathy between humans and mammals appear while human tyranny has undergone substantial cultural and genetic changes in the long development process. These genetic changes of the human's ancient DNA become evolutionary and naturally selected to fit its evolutionary path towards tempering humankind's historical production capacity and thus its development into the present civilization. Therefore, the chronic conclusion of a single-track course of noble missions in humankind's evolution appears grossly erroneous.

28. Unlike the human hierarchy, the rule of dominance among the higher mammals seems, by apparent reason, to lack the intentionally reinforced and accumulated manipulative power that stretches widely in time and even beyond their generations. Hence, as required, the demand for the insidious concealment of humans' despotically manipulative effective mechanisms delivers a side effect that gives the dominant genetic flow among humans its malign and deceptive Nature. Consequently, among humankind, a shady, disgraceful guise of autonomously insidious and beastly intentions often seems to take a stronghold with the most tragic impact during the nearest future. Thus, the treacherously disguised Nature of human psychopathy usually follows the despots and their victims with an unseen malign nature of twisted cultural ideals and, with this, an intuitive inclination over the consciousness to top-ride the tormented society. The spirit of this concealed Nature of behaviour and its strangely contradictory manipulation often gives humankind's culture a treacherous shift towards an obscure but hazardously significant genetic inflow of often violently destructive heritage from and within many of today's societies with their covert heritage from the history's clans of autocrats.

29. With power and clarity, this analysis of flagrant scientific facts should prove that an overwhelming risk of treacherous evolutionary legacy has destructive and hidden forces on the individual. Therefore, the importance of positively developing the health of culture and society depends on a sharp alarm in awareness, highlighted as decisive from the depths of the population, about this hidden and despotic DNA phenomenon. Among the most tragic human legacy prevails, these historically verified behaviour patterns of autocracy with their malign deceptive Nature in beastly ignorance and prioritization of manipulation for shortsighted power. The importance of authority on the battlefield of prestigious power and control explains the purpose of omnipotent personal might instead of long-term prosperity for the population's and country's health. Thus, this nefariously frugal and dangerous heritage of despotic genes tragically grafts a deeply sinister, malign and deceptive nature to most of this misfortune-exposed population with devastating effects. Through the ages, according to the power of their position, these obscure genetic sequences have evolved in violence and misery and laid countless people and civilizations in ruins. Thus, analysis following the severity of these genes' impact reveals how their holder's position in society - befallen everything from violence and discord in the neighbourhood to generations of prolonged and unavoidable reoccurring famines.

30. Ancient DNA provided humankind with the most vital part of the human surviving oriented genome intended as a crucial defence mechanism against dangerous predators or fatal cataclysms. In conclusion, this underlying legacy of real threat in the ancient genome became selected by evolutionary pressure and activated due to traumatic experiences among the population, thus inheriting and delivering a modified genome to the future. Hence, the historical autocracies' despotism intuitively used the population's genome of the past to succeed by the most sinister threat of despotic manipulation, delivering a devastating deadlock for the suffering inhabitants. Due to these ominous and fatal threats against the population, the omnipotent despots of the past directed harmful actions against the population's health, followed by misery for the near future civilization. Of course, the ruling power's silent terror of duping despotism becomes the triggering factor to a will of survival among the population, which firmly solidifies a subconscious will for a new social fashion and even activates this to perverted idol worship and a malignant cultural ideal.  

Thus, this obscured DNA from the past inhibited
 the inhabitants' ability to reveal or stimulate
their motivation to, for example, collect and
safely store these massive amounts of rain
with their immense seasonal deluges.

31. An autonomous survival strategy is activated within the vulnerable people of society, thus influencing harsh reality towards cultural demands to obey and often in despair. Therefore, the primary genetic needs of these prevailing despotically ruled societies required a more docile nature among their subordinated inhabitants. Forward looms a suppressed and silenced community that endures in lurking despair and muted pain, tragically followed by a spiritual vacuum and unpleasant unawareness about the lost code of compassion.

32. Based on these unfortunate individuals' long-term quality regarding the most basic life values, the paradigm of silent smothering in severe personal distress took a stronghold. Thereby, tragically, the population exposed their most precarious life status to perilously insidious danger, thus undermining the population's health and life span. Hence, since prehistory, this malignant hazardous guise of bestial inforced DNA sequences took its sinister grasp on the misfortunate affected population. This autocratic ignorance of the individual's well-being prevails as firmly solidified due to a dangerously inherited past of a forcefully grafted genetic and cultural code of a top-ridden authoritarian society.

33. Therefore, this genetic and cultural phenomenon is surviving as a subconscious threat to humankind's identity, defeating the individual's spirit through this concealed force of ruled ignorance. Hence, a disgraceful and insidious guise weakened the ground of the most basic in the consciousness and opened the door for flagrant and beastly exploitation, thus removing the primary motivation for the population's quality of life. Hence, lost in a past heritage, this genetic mischief subordinated the inhabitants' lives to fit the demands of governing regulated terror of autocracy. Therefore, the inhabitants' subconsciousness becomes subjugated to this genetic code of despair in horror and culturally reinforces these traits with overwhelmingly duped demands. In short, a new firmly laid pattern of imaginary exemplary conduct solidifies where this terror initiated humankind's dual Nature with many deeply tearing psychological contradictions, thereby imprinting this lifestyle with new conflicting paths for evolution's offspring.

34. With the dual genetic legacy of autocratic despotism and obedient inhabitants, this intricate Nature increases the population's ability to accept despotic DNA reproduction by subconsciously subduing the population's ability to notice the reason or background for their life's discomfort. However, the secondary and shortsighted financial advantages affecting material and genetic reproductive network benefits are embarrassing among humans. Therefore, the humans' obvious genetic reproductive benefits transferred this numbing suppression and secretive stain of shame to a subconscious plane of everyday habits and idol worship. A specific human type of mass hysteria seems to prevail in this phenomenon where repetitive and polite masses obtained genetic optimization to accept things that the attentive individual would otherwise reject as severely dangerous phenomena with deeply unpleasant and hazardous history records.

35. However, this topic of concealed genetic optimization for tactical psychopathy is a source of considerable diplomatic sensitivity. The history is widespread in autocratic conquerors with their most often awful religious pathos as individuals to act in the most despotic direction. This utterly precarious cultural heritage of the overall historical power package enforces its importance due to its overwhelming influence on temporary economic advantages. This power base topped Western society throughout history and consisted of hierarchically controlled associations with often completely hidden motives regarding the function of their power control. This hierarchy rule within production or economy is nothing less than a historically proven assertion with unpleasant occasions, repeating itself with such flagrance that any further analysis appears simply ridiculous. Verified by its horrible historical records, the illusion of wise and almighty power, proudly claiming to be chosen through heavenly providence, sounds grand and alluring among the highest prestigious hierarchies of Western culture. Forward looms shady guises of overwhelming power, strong enough to create the worshipped culture and prove its value through its prevailing existence.

36. This supremacy of governing despotism then uncovers its motives as the ruling force where the revolting deeds of the imaginary elite's power disregard and forcibly degrade the individuals and other cultures. This hostile and sinister phenomenon of despotic power endures and passes on the value of worshipping and ruling despotism to those who survived the shame-stained selection process of evolutionary history. Due to considerable losses in human life and the health of those who oppose this despotic terror, the power prevails; this agrees to priorities in the maximum return of genetic outcome by the manipulative power-driven groups' genetic reproduction. An extraordinary and dangerously bounded genetic heritage follows as the conclusion—an inheritance of secret despotism, inexorable, self-evident, well veiled by its tempered genetic code. Within past cultures, this genetic code solidifies its hidden grasp and, up to modern societies, secretly controls communities by its genetic legacy of manipulative deception of nefarious disgrace within the subconsciousness.

These historical clans of terror failed in their deceptively
  chosen base of corrupted bestiality. Thus, the despots
embraced  decadence and, in disregard, they fatally
  ignored superior technology's benefits for their 
country's population, society and future.
37. Undoubtedly, the effectual background to this despotic and insidious hierarchy is strangely contradictory to the unwilling person of repulsive phenomena. Therefore, this enigma is highly elusive, hiding within the order of intuitive secrecy as the obedient servant to humankind's deceptively nature of ardour for power, glamour and prestige. Yet, these historic hierarchical structures appear straightforward in their apparent aim to create a simple base for primary nourishment products for the subdued populations' ability to serve their despotic rulers. 

38. The elusive enigma and contradictory paradox of this essential, enhanced magnitude of poor nutrition increase prevails as the centre to feed a growing population. This health-eroding diet is the critical dictatorial recipe and legacy to providing the masses with a large proportion of low-quality food due to the importance of using a more significant workforce of many obedient citizens. Therefore, this phenomenon dominates the prehistorical origin of the civilizations' intense focus on mass production and explains the development of today's advancements in agricultural foodstuff methods.

39. Therefore, the genetic optimization for frugal nutrients provided by the development of humankind's modern DNA and their culturally induced advancement of agricultural food technology and production are deeply connected. These enhancements in the development and background of humankind's agrarian culture derive much from explaining the intense need for high food production to feed the more significant number of the new generation. The natural advantages of these critical genetic nutriment phenomena within humans consisted of food production and the increased opportunity for offspring. This genetic behaviour development for the priority of mass production of food is highly valid even when a low quality of the developed food leads to an alarming increase in illness, reduced health and reduced survival rate after human fertility. However, as described, these new methods for food production also laid the ground for the growth of a new type of elite clans devoted to despotism.

40. Indeed, profound contradictions appear within humanity and prevail here firmly due to a genetic past in a strange relationship of an intricate concealed duality for harnessing people's minds, thus serving the intentions of bestial omnipotence. Hence, humankind's DNA last in its obscured enigma and dominant persistence on people's behaviour due to its significant impact of producing obedient control of individuals with their all too often omnipotent leaders. The might of this mass-fed power unit, extracted from the surplus of low-quality crops, naturally follows due to this culture's ability to affect the population's increased birthrate. Hence, The progeny of the controlled new population is naturally inclined to develop genetic sequences that make them more docile and controllable. Therefore, each new generation was often gradually more affectioned, incapable of discovering and reacting against covert despotism. Another way to explain this phenomenon is perhaps a subconscious desire to worship and even reverence in confused anxiety about the hidden sources of dictatorship.

41. With autonomous harmfulness to the populations' health, the new covert order governing terror creates a causal incompatible tearing lifestyle for the people in the ordinary. Yet, at the same time, this new lifestyle, with its deceptively voluminous food production but low nutrition, minerals and vitamins, entails a hazardous type of genetic degeneration in the centre of the biological, spatial and social intellect. However, these changes within the humanities DNA also shifted towards increased intelligence in the centre of iteration, restricted to prevail only within the dominating culture. This shift in DNA structure withholds its positive result within the DNA of the reproductive behaviour centre even if the concealed subconscious inclines towards suffering in malnutrition and emotional despair. The following highly contradictory positive effect on humankind's population's increased growth explains its validity despite its unpleasant genetic and cultural background.

42. A complex history within humanity's behaviour prevails firmly due to a genetic past in an awful relationship of an intricate concealed duality for harnessing people's minds, thus serving the psychopaths' infantile needs of deception for profits. This text has thus demonstrated solid destructive forces against the individual with the evolution of humanity and its background due to the improved survival ability to feed larger groups, although on doubtful ethical grounds. In this highly complex context, it is natural to suspect that this text has only begun approaching a deeper interpretation of humankind's path towards today's civilization. However, this complex context suggests we have only scratched the surface of humankind's journey towards modern society. It would be oversimplistic to blame the complications of human evolutionary development solely on despotic manipulation and the mass production of low-quality food. Therefore, it's essential to recognize that dualism in human evolutionary development is a complex phenomenon that requires a more profound understanding.

The inability to include culture and science in the minds
of dictatorial terror raises a fatal danger for those with
cutting-edge knowledge. Since the Inhabitants usually
benefit from the intellectuals' devoted work, they also,
in the same process, weaken the fabricated prestige of
grandeur among these despotic bases of power. Thus,
persecution against intellectuals with knowledge
 indeed started very early in man's prehistory.

43. There are undeniably many benefits from a subconsciously unified large population, even if this type of humankind's development regrettably most often follows paths of historically unspeakable individual suffering, persecution, pogroms and genocide. Therefore, the more significant population certainly does not only have its frugal and hazardous evolutionary advantages due to a genetic past with the increased quantity of low-quality food. Thus, among humans in common, a heritage in the obscured genetically controlled network of mass movements prevails covertly within everyday habits and is devastatingly powerful. Yet these secretive human emotional mass inclinations reveal their presence regularly through history through complicated and often subconsciously concealed factors of shocking aggressions derived from the primary source of an obscured time in humankind's prehistory.

44. Therefore, an undeniable but complex phenomenon appears between the dangerous power of the mass population in amuck and their enhanced reproductive abilities due to the mass production of simple food. Important in this complex phenomenon is, therefore, to point out the increased simple survival ability of genes through the strength of the mass, which regularly shows a greater genetic yield than those who lack the power from the pack's overwhelming superiority in their aggressions as a force of a unified horde. Hence, follow the highly unpleasant background to the devastating aggressions from the high units of the populations' existence and their inexorable final drive toward dominance.

45. With this legacy of emergence in global conflicts, a shift in the ancient human genome is unpleasantly evident. Hence, the autocrat's profits appear from neglecting individual human health and instead using the benefits of enhanced power due to the larger unified population's higher potential to prevail as a surviving might centre and culture. Hence, the increased birthrate of the mass-fed population in frugal foodstuff enforces the autocrat's profits from the extracted magnitude of the controllable population. Thereby, the larger unified population's higher potential to promote the will of a covert and despotic rule follows the convenience of much-increased power in significant conflicts and warfare. Naturally, a shocking deduction follows the background of history and reoccurring concealed misery within human culture. This deduction reveals a monstrous and shady guise within humankind's subconsciousness. Its treacherously covert legacy takes the stronghold of the individuals' minds, inclining them to deep aversion for personal contemplation regarding the source of their discomfort.

46. The heritage of hidden terror reveals the secret, despotically grafted DNA of humankind's past, causing unspeakable anxiety and suffering among many modern humans. Since they usually lack the required life situation for any practical solution, they instead follow the specific historical and genetic solution for the upcoming frustration turned into prestigious and secondary cultural sweetness with its required paradigm of up-to-date inclined cultural-religious devotion. Yet, this people's spiritual escape towards the ethereally celestial realms often appears as the surviving mental strategy within the harsh and threatful atmosphere regulations of autocratic obligated religious worship. Thus, this religious worship then appeared as emotional salvation, but regrettably, this ardour or adoration also opened the gate toward extremely manipulative and dangerous rulers. These deep contradictions imprint the appearance of the first known human cultures and often create a road without choice for the future of individuals.

47. The history of humanity is a very tender subject; its characterization is eluding and troubling because of its intricate network of highly complex genetic and cultural heritage. Nevertheless, this contradictory and multiplied heritage appears as the basic cradle of human culture. Yet, the sinister deception of manipulative force behind autocrats' concealed intention strongly stimulated the harsh reality of power regulations behind autocratic-ruled religious worship. Indeed, this megalomania effectively reinforced threats of the most severe punishment for non-believers, building the foundations of intuitive intolerance within today's civilization. Thus, the practical tools of claimed divine providence created for these past autocrats a biological and cultural mould-form for early human civilizations and their specific development direction towards today's society. Here, the basic foundation of humankind's civilization remains locked in old chains of perpetrators' concealed crimes, thus extracted from history's selective evolution of culture and genetic heritage.  

48. When we blame religions' records and their entourage for their lack of compassion due to their prevail in compulsive oppression, even outermost madness, we often uncover instead of religion a rather opposite, heinously darker aspect of human Nature. For countless generations in accumulative strength, this cultural and evolutionary phenomenon hides suffering souls of ignorant heritage who, dismayed at their shortcomings, cling to fabricated prestige and social vanity. These flagrant signs of groping in emotional suffering in envy and aggression of human souls appear far beyond any possible salvation due to their concealed heritage within mindlessly frustrated individuals. Under this psychological pressure of the frugal legacy from primitive customs prevails, this shame, firmly and covertly moulded to that magnitude where its beginning and inscrutable source, is lost in time beyond memory. Here, this gnawing shadow from the awful heritage of persecution in crimes against humanity hides firmly obscured in the hideous darkness of bestiality, corrosively enduring beyond human memories, prevailing beyond ordinary minds' grasp within the failed reason and legacy of enforced oppression. This aspect, which has infiltrated our cultural heritage, thus clouds people's judgment and dissuades them from genuine compassion and the origins of their beliefs.

Religious persecution of the most gifted
through history raises strong suspicion
of insidious acts from its oppressive
entourage with their corruption of
religion. Thus, the genetic heritage
of humankind has changed from
the simple effect of evolution.
49. The combined power of autocratic rule and the subdued population were the essential historical factors that provided the profits from the illusion of splendid celestial providence, well deceptively draped into the treacherous guise of worshipped megalomania. This elusive, dualistic guise lurked mysteriously deceptive throughout history, where it constituted the required force for obedience in cooperation and thus was the building bricks that formed the developing culture within each civilization. In the same mould of deception, it was also undoubtedly at the end, historically and inevitably, the eternally recurring pattern of despair in repentant doom. Indeed, the dualistic path of humankind's past, with its source of profoundly hazardous deception and persecution of the deviating causes of unspeakable suffering, follows the conclusion that humanity remains all too often locked within a covert heritage from unhealthy civilizations.

50.  At first sight, all these subconsciously suffering human souls worldwide appear far beyond any simple possible salvation due to their dualistic heritage of carrying an inclined emotion of a mindlessly harnessed personality under the pressure of prehistoric DNA. However, this tremendous sacrifice of the human soul's ability to express its potential for society, which intuitively prevails in dismay, offers excellent opportunities for exploitation by omnipotent despots. However, using a population to accept their fate to follow the malignant order of a bestial leadership's destructive goal may also dominate as the lurking factor for technological advancements due to the triggering of conflicts. Thus, it hides within the heritage of bestial administration a hidden and not intended outcome due to its effect of being the covertly creepy source of hard-tempering of advanced cultures in their path to better withstand any future hardships.

51. Following the conclusion of this covert DNA from the past, discerns a possible prudent explanation and guise of today's surviving cultures among humanity that this subconscious hard tempering of a concealed dualistic DNA obtains its validity as an inevitable ground pillar for any modern civilization. This dualistic conflict within the subconsciousness seems to prevail as an essential but frugal shortcut for effectual deeds among humankind to compensate for the pure limits within the mind, where homo sapiens still are not fully equipped with the capacity for reflective analysis as a tool for development. Hence, the enigma from the past with humankind's civilizations that lack enough inflow of this dualistic DNA, albeit very beautiful, yet may risk remaining hopelessly lost in perpetual deadlocks of rudimentary and primitive cultural habits, even locked and lost in isolation and decadence, followed by an almighty aversion among the inhabitants against technological advancement.

52. Still, it remains a straightforward explanation for the profits from subconscious dualistic suffering among humans in common. The simple and secondary efficiency obtained from humans in dismay through history prevails by explaining the productivity of the subdued mass. This phenomenon remains all too historically evident within the global suffering caused by the effects of the corrosive autocratic forces. However, this prehistorical repetitive blind worship is dominating and evolutionarily reproductive since this obedient and productive food-oriented population drastically increases the birth rate. A contradictory pattern within the modern man appears here with clarity by the necessity of creating a surplus of food for the effectual dominance in humans' power by their numbers. Therefore, the extraction of subordinated humans and their increased birth rate within the population also - with the most importance - modified the genetic legacy of their offspring. Thus, the modified inheritance fed an autocratic, despotic power system within a temporary victorious culture. Historical records show that the subject of increased birth rates is very precarious, complex, and dualistic. Therefore, the autocratic rulers were well known to have many concubines and a significant legacy in genetic reproduction.

53. These victorious cultures' obedient populations undoubtedly provide their society with the ability to produce excess food. During the good years, harvest from such a compliant culture leads to abundant resources for cultural development. However, this cultural enhancement requires that a few individuals possess sufficiently high motivation or giftedness to use their autocratic passion to control the population. Inevitably, this core of centralized power configures cultures' survival ability and thus proves their superior mechanism to prevail over hardships into the coming generations. Therefore, these cultures' requirement for obedient acceptance stays temporarily solid with the autocratic evolutionary process, demonstrating their treacherous power strength by its effect on sharply increased food production. These powerful side effects within the modern and often hazardous culture display the genetic and cultural foundation for the contemporary civilizations of the corrosive dualism in the strangely odd and allocated gene pool for most of today's humankind.

54. These prevailing, earlier, somewhat naive, widespread and fundamental assumptions about an overwhelming, precious, noble genetic heritage within humanity simultaneously require parallel but obscure hidden genetic sequences of a severe malign and corrosive background. Naively religious, fundamental assumptions about a unique, noble divine providence within humanity stimulate the will of cultural advancement due to the tremendously powerful placebo stimulus in the belief of divine providence in human cultures' identities; however, with this, it also follows parallel naive and obscured weaknesses about any lurking danger from the reality of human behaviour. The benefits of this now somewhat concealed blind will to obey and its following creeping behaviour flow within the culture of secret inclination towards ignorance of health become more acceptable by its ability to create a much more dynamic social network. Thus, due to its increased ability of mass production to feed the benefits from the increased numbers of inhabitants, it gives a more robust effect from the mass population. However, the following positive effect is also a surplus of resources to develop science and medicine for better treatment of the upcoming problems with public health. This historical phenomenon will then explain the prevailing civilization's existence and their powerful prevalence thanks to these turn points towards obedient but disgraceful genes.

Millennials have passed since hygiene was considered crucial to human 
health, but this awareness ceased after the fall of antiquity. After more 
than a millennium of tragedies, in 1847, the importance of hygiene had 
its rebirth, thus resulting in its bright and devotedly working doctor
 being driven to madness due to persecution from his society and 
hence beaten to death by his colleagues since they regarded 
any intellectual evidence and demands for clean hands as a
 a personal insult against their prestige and profession.

55. Indeed, these historical paths towards modern genetic enhancements appear solid and prevailing regarding these obscure hierarchical structures of society. In today's culturally concealed guise, these genetic advancements often imprinted an insidiously creepy inheritance of nasty, intuitive and cultural ignorance regarding people's real needs, thus weakening and silencing the importance of emphatic retrospective analysis. This ignorance of the population's basic requirements is often the secret prevailing ideal, heritage and mentality among many tragically prestigious fashion behaviours of dangerous and flagrant hierarchical structures with a covert and beastly agenda. With these atrocities in mind, the reader hopefully does not misunderstand this phenomenon of autocratic psychopathy as it would have an retarded source and host within primitive, mentally underdeveloped and merely antisocial individuals due to their infantile desire for property and prestige.

56. Instead, this reoccurring threat of such overbearing personalities within society's upper hierarchy is nothing more than regular evidence of the high and versatile talent of the psychopath, although usually within a mind of infantile short terms, together with shockingly hostile aversions against the foundation of human health and the future civilization. This dangerous cunningness is, of course, required and large enough for this person to carry out the desired and often profoundly sinister goal in a despotic fervour of prestige-filled desire for power. Hence, instead of an observer making the mistake of combining the autocrats' passion for tyrannical dominance with the child's harmless willingness to impress and control the immediate environment, lurks something much more sinister. 

57. Well disguised within the cloak of an old DNA with its publicly admired glamour, these autocratic individuals naturally prevail with their power within the subconsciousness of the population, where it lingers in shady treacherous guise as the most severe threat to the inhabitants. In this context of very hidden and often repulsive rudimentary characteristics of modern man, objections to this unpleasant view of today's population should be highly recommended and significant due to this text's somewhat problematic content. The reason for the required criticism against this previous text describing inherited defects is, of course, evident since daily life requires positive inclinations to inspire and motivate. Therefore, the essence of these demands of complaints and criticisms of the previous text remains overwhelmingly essential to human motivation and, thereby, the development of civilization to human reason and society. Therefore, it should remain crucial that severe threats from corrupt sources of the past do not obligate personal resignation or defeatism but instead, a reason to amend and work even more inspiring for the future to heal the wrongdoings of the accumulated heritage of insidious governing crimes 

58. However, this insight about shady omnipotent autonomous dualistic regulations of human behaviour requires the person to be gifted and robust enough to understand much in human cultures based on the often occurring vile nonsense inherited for millennia. Facing these obstacles, it would be genuinely reprehensible if talented people could not find stimulation and inspiration enough, even depressing when they fully realize the nasty, primitive and heinous source of their culture. Therefore, a specific requirement of silent and diplomatic acceptance endures as highly important from the individual since it is crucial for their future with a stable diplomatic observance when facing those around them who may react with ignorance, aversion, and hostility, even to the degree of a direct life-threatening situation against them as unpleasantly gifted people. However, in the background that far from all talented individuals possess enough health or stamina, a high observance prevails for these unique, gifted and often precariously fragile individuals since they often face a flagrant misjudgement due to their incompatibility to thrive in a culture which is foreign to their genetic heritage. 

59. This phenomenon of uniquely individual ability, which often lacks enough personal strength to endure in an extraordinarily precarious situation, is probably prevailing in a much higher number than first estimated since physical and mental discomfort or illnesses often hide the possibility of discovering a highly competent person. Such lack of health and the demands for strength in their inspiration explains why the gifted individual's fragility within a person's characteristics often falls short of the required strength and endurance to succeed within their culture. Thus, in these tender cases, shortcoming occurs for success even if the person is gifted far beyond their culture's requirements. Without any doubt, this phenomenon of people in precarious situations of negatively affected health also drastically reduces the ability for the evolutionary survival of these people's unique genetics. However, the problems derived from a person's health weakness are related to their surrounding culture, where the same people in a more healthy culture would probably often thrive. Within this enigma lies the heritage of humankind's origin, where the prehistory's demands of variations in the genetic mixup for the species to survive a harsh and highly changeable environment is the real core to the classical view of evolution.

60. Due to the grave content of insidious and sinister revelation in this text, it should, therefore, prevail as very important that there are gifted people able to withstand this insight's pressure. Hence, these talented people muster their inner strength and integrate an understanding of man's obscure shortcomings with a sense that this corrosive state of humankind is highly dependent on the failure or the success of the individuals' will to muster this inner conflict to a positive outcome. Thus, the person with enough health and insight finds motivation to conquer their mind for a broader spectrum beyond any primitive and corrupt heritage of the past civilization. Hence, the person concludes thereby their free capacity as not chained or corrupted by the past's bestiality, as a victim within the origin of suffering souls. Instead, appear here for people with motivation and inspiration, something influenceable and changeable, providing goodwill with the insight given favourable conditions, but of course, with a very cautious manner since much danger often follows envy.

G.Bruno's science of the universe had
far too many modern and advanced
theories, and he was thereby burned
to death by the Catholic Inquisition
Wikipedia: Giordano Bruno

61. Despite these numbers of gifted people with insight through the ages prevailing here once more, the overwhelming power of the treacherously hidden enigma of people's blind cradle where culture's subconsciousness most often tragically endures victorious over any individual's wisdom. Thus, the social selection for popularity instead of knowledge proves its overwhelming success because of the ideal of ease in nonsense and admiration of juvenile characters, which usually control and dominate modern societies to a level far from any healthy context. Hence, these false dreams' aphrodisiac allures naive souls to find their lives' purpose well assisted by their treacherous invitation through the inheritance of an unhealthy, insidious and frugal genome. 

62. Thus, the population's subconscious allures them by often irresistible attractions to find comfort in public popularity within the cultural heritage of simple demands and understanding. Entertainment and happy games seem here to convince about the imagination that provides all the required shield from regrets and remorse. A straightforward and economic life path appears here for people in the joint where their secondary dream of pleasure delivers terrible, often the veiled malignant pothole of the past's misfortunes in subconscious suffering and future misery in addiction and poverty. The poor individual gladly opens this false gate of the past in emotional belief to be guaranteed success since it serves the inherited behavioural genome and their possibilities for contact in personal genetic reproduction.   

63. Attention: Although the most trustworthy wisdom and compassion often fill any religious fate, the opposite is often true with these religions' corrupted leaders, entourage and their offspring. Thus, among the fabricated omnipotent, an aura of glamour obtains their status and confirmation from deceived peasants based on comfortable and straightforward views of temporary pleasure and the popularity of their culture. Therefore, the omnipotent prevail and expand in their business of false proclamation while enduring stimulating a genetic and cultural heritage of nasty, intuitively secretive power within modern societies. Thus, these despotic powers accomplish confirmation by their culture through this creepy and concealed spectacle of everyday social behaviour and its genetic evolution. Thereby, the culture continues with the power of falsehood due to giving status and admiration to fabricated rulers of the society within their culture as often almighty and even given divine providence. Thereby, the obedient peasants of subdued minds have proven their victorious combination with their rulers of the past through high productivity in offspring and cultural habits.

64. Although this statement of humankind appears repulsively in its naive victorious control over societies appears nevertheless in light of the content of the preceding text, these assertions are ubiquitous and offer grave insight into the treacherous enigma to humankind of why genetic inheritance has drastically undergone strange changes over the millennia. A picture emerges here of a changed man who, through subconsciously treacherously hidden intentions, gained strength through numbers and power by ignoring individuals. At the cost of lost insights appears thus also the fate of the talented who were displaced, persecuted and murdered in hideous numbers and the most reprehensible ways. Therefore, it has often not been enough with flagrant ex-communication of uniquely gifted individuals. Instead, regrettably frequently occurring according to history records, the high numbers of poorly minded intuitively decide to wipe out irritating talented individuals - to be further humiliated and gravely tortured before the end.

65. Therefore, the following dangerous emotions of envy appear fatal if any talented evokes the subconscious envy of the despotic powers and their high numbers of serving peasants. These autonomous and intuitive emotions prevail strongly within prestigious psychopathy and are usually prevalent in the higher level of any society, even though these individuals often present a horrible frugal emotional spectrum. With false pride and sinister emotions, their deep fervour lures them to top the head departments of the historical and modern civilizations and cause its failure by their corrosive nonsense of repugnant despotic actions. This phenomenon of hierarchical psychopathy is thus a phenomenon of strategic evaluations where the purposes sanctify the means to fulfil the longing after the stimulus with the devastatingly high outcome in reproductive DNA, following abundant blunt love and glossy property.

66. Thus, the allure of large profits following the legacy of these societies' oppressive and elusive genetic patterns thereby prevents more emphatic in-depth self-analysis among individuals of autocratic inclined heritage. This lack of genuine empathy is apparent here, even in their prestigious ignorance of the responsibility for the concerned humans. A severe aversion prevails among these renegades, causing their reluctance to examine their commitment to humankind's well-being. An extreme phobia prevails among these psychopaths, driving an unwillingness to explore the responsibility to humanity and even the absolute future for the closer associate.

67. Thus, endure with hideous strength among these despots far too high emotional obstacles against the required compassionate social inducement towards the population. Here, the autocrats' ignorance prevails in corrosive harm due to their subconscious taste to reject any responsibility for their actions, including their deeds' background history of the well-concealed base of repugnance. Therefore, due to the reluctance for their population's well-being, these historical clans' malicious terror ultimately failed in their deceptively chosen base of corrupted bestiality. Thus, they ignored their population's appropriate health benefits of compassion, thereby destroying their civilization.

68. These prehistorical genetic sequences prove their reliability in reoccurring and historical records governing bestiality in terror. Thus, they indicate a fundamental emotional reluctance to incorporate care in thoughtfulness concerning people in common. This shortsighted behaviour is the prevailing and prestigious life path for the despotic people with an evident intention for a power base within these autocratic cultures. Even more, any prestigious personal carrier of this new despotic genetic sequence often provokes severe obstacles in aversion when confronting flagrant ethical objections about their lack of empathy. 

69. The destructive effects of this despotic ignorance regarding social compassion create a comprehensive path of false and fabricated glamour. Hence, this phenomenon of severe malignant Nature against individuals constitutes the foundation and turns behaviour inclinations towards dangerous attraction for worshipping covert Beastiality with its shockingly sinister ideal. These insidious genetic sequences from the past thus make way for effective governance of the bestiality behind its culture of the glamorous facade. Therefore, a malicious and temporary culture takes its stronghold, dominant to the high grade of stimulating national and mindlessly duped intuitive glorification in service to the harmful autocratic rulers. Thus, the autocrats' retrospective instrument for analysing their or society's and people's health remains practically and emotionally irrelevant for these despotic rulers.

70. A hindrance to the individual's capacity for self-analysis and health awareness would otherwise go against sound science if not for its function as a practical but ignorant tool for secondary profits of omnipotent rulers with its advantage in individual and mass genetic reproduction. Thus, the prestigious inclination of autocratic controlled psychopathy firmly moulds its DNA autonomously within society. Therefore, this blind historical paradigm of the suffering of the masses to serve their despotic leaders confirms these societies' past genetic heritage.

71. Genetic enhancement of the masses' dominance arises; thus, a legacy with a genetic foundation based on unconscious actions towards the mass movements of concentrated power within humankind's populations. The apparent danger of persecution is not only for the unusually gifted individuals through this malignant subconscious ideal of the masses, but it also causes very dangerous cultural hostilities against the individuals who have not received a sufficient change in their ancient DNA. This ancient and advanced DNA had an optimization concerning the matter of the world but now tragically often appears unacceptable in the modern cultural supremacy in the unconscious and usually aggressive dominance. Here prevails, the mass's overwhelming power over the consciousness with regularly occurring tragedies. Thus, this treacherous danger arises when this devastating force mass from this mighty phenomenon gets momentum with its commonly occurring mass hysteria.

72. However, this contradictory DNA from the past's development into a heritage of unconscious submission serves as the intricate, subtle tool to sacrifice the life quality of the docile group by permitting and centring their last gasping energy with the emotion of love for its effect of increased contribution to humankind's gene pool. Usually, this increased contribution to humankind's genetic heritage hides the side effect of the shortened lifespan in despair simply by delivering the increased capacity of its culture to produce the surpluses of short-term necessities. Yet, the nasty abuse of a firmly subdued population is common in today's societies, where the treacherous hostility of the lofty elite manipulates and controls many crucial aspects of their countries' future and food production.

73. Thereby, a new fashion of a horrible social paradigm is created and all too soon hideously utilized within these now inherited insidiously hierarchical structures. Hence, the ruling power's silent terror of duping despotism triggers a new social fashion. It activates this behavioural fashion as even a malignant cultural ideal, deceiving its progeny with a severely locked pattern of fabricating bestial ideals hosted within governed terrorism. This treacherous cradle and blind path for the modern generation then became the subconscious secrecy and firmly controlled standard of practice, all too often proving its tragedy and failure within most historical civilizations.

74. However, the illusion of man's might is often proven surprisingly fragile when confronting the world's reality since the heritage of human corruption is considerably infantile compared to humankind's accumulated heritage of prehistoric times. Therefore, a deep cleft opens in humankind's most profound fervour, forming an inner battle between the grafted incline of man's infantile hunger for corruption in delusion and humankind's ardour for the world's deep knowledge. Henceforth, the future battlefield is firmly set and unavoidable, becoming the birthplace of insurmountable frustration and the foundation of terror where this prehistoric path without return appears firmly fixed. Hence, a tremendously ancient solid heritage reveals its dormant presence, older and more robust than the corrupted plague of fabricated and malignant ignominy. Thus arrives with a wind from a forgotten world, a legacy of tremendous strength from original and ancient domains to the waiting population, cleansing the last traces of fabricated and grafted nefarious ignominy, and the people perceive a vision of a noble source of the future.

The Viewpoint (16) is pretty near Mountain Crest,
 A water divider to the Nile. 

π‘‡β„Žπ‘–π‘  π‘β„Žπ‘’π‘›π‘œπ‘šπ‘’π‘›π‘œπ‘› π‘œπ‘“ π‘‘β„Žπ‘’ π‘Žπ‘’π‘‘π‘œπ‘π‘Ÿπ‘Žπ‘‘π‘–π‘ 𝑑𝑒𝑐𝑒𝑝𝑑𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑙𝑦 π‘π‘œπ‘›π‘π‘’π‘Žπ‘™π‘’π‘‘ 𝑔𝑒𝑛𝑒 π‘“π‘™π‘œπ‘€ π‘€π‘–π‘‘β„Žπ‘–π‘› π‘‘β„Žπ‘’ π‘π‘œπ‘π‘’π‘™π‘Žπ‘‘π‘–π‘œπ‘› π‘–π‘›π‘–π‘‘π‘–π‘Žπ‘‘π‘’π‘  π‘‘β„Žπ‘’ π‘“π‘œπ‘™π‘™π‘œπ‘€π‘–π‘›π‘” π‘“π‘Žπ‘–π‘™π‘’π‘Ÿπ‘’ π‘Žπ‘›π‘‘ π‘œπ‘’π‘‘π‘π‘œπ‘šπ‘’ π‘œπ‘“ β„Žπ‘–π‘ π‘‘π‘œπ‘Ÿπ‘¦'𝑠 π‘Žπ‘’π‘‘π‘œπ‘π‘Ÿπ‘Žπ‘π‘–π‘’π‘ , π‘‘β„Žπ‘’π‘Ÿπ‘’π‘π‘¦ π‘‘π‘Ÿπ‘Žπ‘”π‘–π‘π‘Žπ‘™π‘™π‘¦ π‘Žπ‘›π‘‘ π‘Ÿπ‘’π‘”π‘Ÿπ‘’π‘‘π‘‘π‘Žπ‘π‘™π‘¦ π‘‘π‘’π‘ π‘‘π‘Ÿπ‘œπ‘¦π‘–π‘›π‘” 𝑖𝑑𝑠 π‘π‘œπ‘π‘’π‘™π‘Žπ‘‘π‘–π‘œπ‘› π‘Žπ‘›π‘‘ π‘ π‘œπ‘π‘–π‘’π‘‘π‘¦.

View from the Giant's Shoulders

Viktor E. Frankl described his relationship with Sigmund Freud with the parable of a dwarf needing to step onto the shoulders of giants to see farther than the giant. Sigmund Freud and Viktor E. Frankl, together with other historical giants within the sciences of humankind, survived the highly hazardous situation and thus imparted their great scientific heritage and shoulders. These substantial scientific giants undoubtedly provide a higher view than most people's minds can grasp or appreciate. Coincidences made Viktor E. Frankl and Sigmund Freud survived their country's cultural malignant syndrome of idolizing leadership and the ignorant megalomania aggressions from the country's blindly locked hordes. This tragic legacy of an unconsciously manipulated population prevails all too often as the inhabitant's fatal and unfortunate destiny in which they remain within a poor heritage of the past.


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