The Capital & the Park

The Fashionable Facilities Of Entoto Park (Z)

With  Amusements, Activities & Culture

The historical Entoto mountain massif now includes the newly inaugurated Entoto Park (Z), inviting the entire family to enjoy pleasant leisure with gardens or explore many highly inspiring activities. The contrasts between the Capital's family contact and the high drama of a mountain Park are unique globally. Thus, this mountain Park provided highly inspiring views of altitude and cultural refinement with an attraction of a magnitude to a world centre for culture, activities and research within natural sciences. Yet, these fashionable adventures and amusements of Entoto Park (Z) offer golden gateways to pleasant accommodations, which intrigue and stimulate the exploration of the Ethiopian Highland's beautiful wilderness.

                         [ Free ]

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[ Entrance Fee ]

The entrance to Entoto Natural Park is free, but the outside parking fee is 25 - 40 birr per hour if you're coming in your car. However, although the Park's Nature is free to visit, Entoto Park Gate Z's entertainment and amusement activities are usually accessible for a fee. Furthermore, as tourist visitors, remember your ID card or passport.

The Entrances Of Entoto Natural Park

There are specific selections of entrances to the different areas of the Park, with their unique nature types, and their purpose is to promote the visitors' interests and enjoyment. These specific enticing choices include very relaxing and wild or cultural activities. This extensive selection is essential and follows both the family's and nature's way of expressing a desire for health through attractive diversity.

Attached is a PDF containing a list of suggested activities, 
entertainment options and lodging arrangements:


The Capital's and Entoto's Contemporary History

Emperor Menelik (Minilik) Entoto Palace Addis Ababa

'' From the late 1870s, Menelik began to show an increasing interest in the region in which Addis Ababa is situated and headquartered the royal camp at several sites in the area. His first major settlement was established on the slopes on Mount Wuchacha, west of the present settlement, but he soon moved northwards and set up his camp near the summit of Entoto Mountain, a choice determined by strategic considerations. Here he erected a palace. The next important building to be constructed at Entoto was the church of Maryam, a circular structure, the foundations which were laid in 1885. Menelik, it is said himself participated in the building's work, and on occasion travelled with his consort, Queen Taytu, to Mount Managacha to the west where he helped to prepare massive squared roof beams which were then carried dozens of kilometres by groups of four or five soldiers".

The Former Capital's Location

Museum, Restaurants and Palace

This elevated plateau is highly inviting and suitable for
those i
nterested in culture and is also excellent for
pleasant family walks in historical surroundings.
Google Maps: Palace Of Emperor Minilik and
 Empress Taitu 1883.
 (Photo by David Stanley)

Palace Of Emperor Minilik and Empress Taitu 1883
With accessible trails, this high plateau offers surprisingly gentle terrain in reasonably close contact with great views over the landscape beneath, including the fashionable and cultural facilities with activities of Entoto Park (Z). Within this magnificent highland landscape, Entoto Maryam (43) dominates just above Entoto Park (Z), alluring by its high altitude to explore this vast high plateau.

History and Culture On the High Plateau
A Lovely Landscape for the Family
Except for the historic and quaint mountain town of Entoto Maryam (43), with restaurants, a museum, and a Palace, this highland location offers a peaceful undulated landscape with well-accessible trails. This historical place's inviting and graceful landscape on the high plateau offers reasonable connectivity to most attractions and activities, including the more adventurous ones.

Historical Background
"It was at this church of Maryam that Menelik was crowned Emperor of Ethiopia in November 1889, and an effigy of the old monarch can still be seen on its walls. ''(Hancoch et al. 1983, pg102.) But the establishment of the Capital on the slopes of Mount Entoto did not turn out well: ''Entoto, as Menelik's Capital, rapidly acquired a considerable population. At the beginning of the century, the British game-hunter and ethnographer, P.H.G. Powel-Cotton, described it as ''a populous city'', while his compatriot, Herbert Vivian, believed that it ''must have comprised 50 000 souls".

''The site, which had initially been selected as a fortress, was not suitable as a capital for more peaceful times. Being situated on a rugged mountain, it was poorly supplied with provisions which could be brought up only after an exhausting walk. Food, as Ilg reports, was often scarce, and wood and water were also difficult to obtain. Entoto's climate during the rainy season was moreover far from pleasant, for it suffered from many storms. A French traveller, Jules Borelli, states that it was a place of much lightning, thunder and fog, while his compatriot, Charles Michelli remarked that, ''exposed to the wind, difficult of access, and without drinking water,'' the town was ''an impossible capital''.'' (Ibid, pg 103)

The Historical Sanctuaries

Entoto Maryam and Entoto Kidane Mehret 

Entoto Maryam Church (43)
A Historic Site on the High Plateau
The Capital's Historical Location with Entoto Maryam (43), and the Palace constitute the core of the old Capital's central area. The location of this site is on this historical mountain's high table. Furthermore, the historical site of Entoto Maryam (43), with its museum and Palace, rises just above Entoto Park [Z] and on the same mountain road.

The Landscape of Entoto Maryam
After passing all the fascinating facilities of Entoto Park [Z], Entoto Maryam (43) dominates just above and allures to a vast high plateau. Except for the historic and quaint mountain town with restaurants, this high plateau offers surprisingly gentle terrain. 

The Enchanting Sanctuary

Entoto Kidane Mehret (1) and (32)
Entoto Kidane Mehret appears charmingly embedded due to the courtyard's mighty arboretum of native and stately Juniper trees. Unreachable by the aeons of a forgotten time, these ancient trees' green foliage proudly rises from furrowed pillars to a mighty hall of cosy tranquillity. Thus, an ardour appears to stay extended for a while, well embraced by this refreshing roof of high, fragrant and native Juniper trees. These trees from antiquity delicately delimit Entoto Kidane Mehret's interior courtyard in a private walled setting and deliver this cosy, soothing, well-fragrant atmosphere. 

Entoto Park Main Entrance

Entoto Park (Z)

Captures the whole Family's Real Interest in Charming Adventures

Entoto  Park (Z) opens the gates to the captivating way for the whole family to care for and curiously explore the inviting gems of Entoto's mountain massif's original nature. The phenomenon within the foundation of the world's ground pillars is very near. This invitation to humankind's real heart fulfils the essential purpose of creating an eager will to learn about health and origin. The Park's closeness to natural science delivers a captivating understanding for the family about creating natural and healthy water and other vital biological processes with their scientific background. However, this nature's scientific context is crucial to intellectual processes that form the basis for civilizations.

Entoto Park Main Entrance

Grandiose Landscape & Adventures

Instagram - Photos and Videos

Entoto Park's (Z) Amusements
Dramatically elevated buildings constitute the new Entoto Park (Z) and form the amazing mountain-dwelling for the whole family's interest in comfort and high-spirited culture. The dramatic and historical Entoto mountain massif now includes the newly inaugurated Entoto Park (Z), inviting the entire family's expectations to spend time in pleasant leisure with gardens or exploring many highly inspiring activities with amusements or stunning adventures.

Attractions of a Magnitude to a World Centre
Here, the landscape's high drama constitutes the adventure's core as incredibly close, with breathtaking miles of mountain ranges and dagger-deep ravines. The Capital is immediate here but surprisingly remote through the site's elevated rocky ledge. This contrast to the Capital and its high mountain park is unique, making it possible to reach exciting activities with historical culture and pure Nature above and within the borders of a Capital city.


The Routes To the High Plateau

Addis Ababa, the Capital of Ethiopia
Adjoins the Lower Part of the Park
At the Capital's northern outskirts, i the location of Shero Meda (Shiromeda). Central Station for Bus and Taxi. This community in the Capital's northern district offers a central station for further taxi and bus services to the Capital's city centre and a direct taxi connection to Entoto Maryam (43), Entoto Kidane Mehret (1) and Entoto Park (Z). The Capital's buses and municipal taxis regularly have Entoto Kidane Mehret (1) as the final location.

A Comfortable Walk to the Park
However, the town and station Shero Meda are close enough to Entoto Kidane Mehret (1) to offer a pleasant walk to Entoto Natural Park. Shero Meda (Shiromeda) also allows the easiest access to Entoto Maryam (43) on Entoto's high plateau. Bees' Cliff 14 requires caution in the Canyon but assists by the wide map loop surrounding the gentle and fascinating points 36 and 41-42.

Entoto Kidane Mehret 

Church (32) and Community (1)
A Mountain-based Station for buses and Taxis.

Although Entoto Kidane Mehret is quite highly located and appears distant due to its height above the Capital, it has a station for regular bus and taxi traffic. This quaint town's structure creates here a harmonic embrace of the extensive and impressive Entoto Kidane Mehret Church (32), Monastery and Sacred Water Source (31), Juniperus procera Forest (indigenous) 30. The choice of Entoto Kidane Mehret as a central base for further exploration of the Park is natural because both the Capital's buses and municipal taxis regularly have this place as the final location. They are here waiting in the shade of large native trees before turning downhill again and soon arriving at the Shero Meda (Shiromeda) station, society, and, further, the central part of the Capital. However, the Hotel and Guesthouse are missing, which means that the nearest accommodation for tourism and dining is the Shero Meda (Shiromeda) community.

Entoto Kidane Mehret
A Sanctuary Of Sublime Pleasure and Dreams
Although this rock-based sanctuary (32) and society (1) towers within the Capital's northern boundaries and mountain massifs, it seems to be very preserved and, above all, stressful. Furthermore, this Church and Monastery (32) are astonishingly hidden, tucked into the mountain massif rising shoulder where perception arises very soon to be careful because precipices and gullies take over immediately when you move away from a little piece of this cosy town (1).

A Serene and Elevated Protectorate 
Entoto Kidane Mehret is a very dedicated and appealing mountain town but should indeed, more precisely, be described as a profoundly religious Sanctuary. For a long time, this has been a religious protectorate of Entoto's Nature and inhabitants, thus gaining unique and profound protection, deeply associated with serene spiritual devotion and conviction. Despite this place's calm, family-friendly character, it also forms the gateway to Nature (5).

The Fashionable Facilities Of Entoto Park (Z)

Glamour and Mountainous Entertainment

Activities and Amusements in Entoto Park (Z)
Culture and Entertainment
The historical Entoto mountain massif now includes the newly inaugurated Entoto Park with its main entrance on the maps, signed with (Z). Except for the site's chic and glamorous comfort, the landscape's high drama ennobles with a flavour of exploration where the adventures' core allures with enticing activities or attracts with inviting facilities, including both traditional and modern restaurants. 

Dreams' Nature among the Amusements
With breathtaking miles of mountain ranges and dagger-deep ravines, this fashionable Park is always near to amazing and wild adventures. The Capital is immediate here but surprisingly remote through the site's elevated rocky ledge. Here, these citadels of grandeur and pleasure invite fashionable activities for the entire family to enjoy pleasant leisure with gardens or explore adventures. 


 A Nightlife of Adventure & Ordeals

The Park's Activities and the Capital
Caution Regarding Dusk Adventure
Note that the landscape is dramatic and vastly propagates deeply into the wilderness. Hence, caution prevails after the twilight hours with any tours beyond the sight of facilities into the landscape of the mountain range. This cautious observance regards the people's safety and well-being due to the active night predators and demanding terrain. Therefore, do not combine the Park trip with the twilight adventure because even in the daytime, the impressions from each place are just at the upper limits of what a person can muster.

Safety and Transportation
Thus, those who want safety without too hilariously wild mountain-demanding adventure offer the opportunity instead of choosing public transport (taxi) at a good time before dusk. This regular taxi route provides easy transportation from the mountainside of Entoto Park (Z) to the nearest location to the guest house, hotel, and amenities for tourism and dining in the Shero Meda (Shiromeda) community.

Sarah Jones at Entoto Natural Park visit with speak Africa
youth media team. Sara Jones visited the Ethiopian
Heritage Trust, Entoto Natural Park (Nursery)

Environmental Restoration

Due to the last centuries' loss of the protective shelter of mother trees and other plants, these guardian people for the tender indigenous seedlings are crucial for their existence; otherwise, their survival is hazardous on the exposed fragile ground.

  Videos: Soil Erosion Demo  

  Videos: Planting Saplings  

  Videos: Planting Technology  

  Videos: Water and Land Restoration  

The Background Of the Entoto Natural Park Project

Between September 1993 and September 1994, decisions were made regarding the criteria for the location of the natural park. Continuous discussions were held between members of the EHT (Ethiopian Heritage Trust) and representatives of the government, and informal contacts were made with different people who might have opinions about the project. The collection of seeds and production of seedlings was initiated in order to prepare for the beginning of replanting in 1995. "Entoto Natural Park had limited infrastructure and remained underdeveloped. In an effort to enhance its facilities and elevate its status as a tourist destination, The Entoto Project was initiated by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, in conjunction with The Sheger River side project. The development was completed within a year and officially opened on October 10, 2020, as a component of the broader Beautifying Sheger project"  Wikipedia

The Ethiopian Heritage Trust

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Bole Road, Ras Mengesha Siyum House
Phone: - +251-11 515 8802

In 1992, the Ethiopian Heritage Trust (EHT or the Trust) started as an Ethiopian voluntary organization and is non-political, non-religious, and non-profiting in its constitution. Founded by private individuals wishing to make a personal contribution towards stopping the decay and the destruction of the country's historical buildings and natural environment, the organization has, from the beginning, been supported by the Administration of Region 14. Membership is open to all after paying an annual or lifetime fee.

The organization, Ethiopian Heritage Trust, is devoted to restoring Ethiopia's indigenous Nature and sincerely preserving the country's precious cultural heritage. With high priority, the Ethiopian Heritage Trust laid the ground for understanding the importance of an indigenous forest's effect on the country's natural health. The organization's work with planting native saplings illuminates the landscape's healing capacity with precision thanks to this native forest, which stabilizes the soil and secures the freshwater.   

Schools & Associations -
Touring Companies & Guides:

[ Free ]

[ Entrance Fee ]

The entrance to Entoto Natural Park is free, but the outside parking fee is 25 - 40 birr per hour if you're coming in your car. However, although the Park's Nature is free to visit, Entoto Park Gate Z's entertainment and amusement activities are usually accessible for a fee. Furthermore, as tourist visitors, remember your ID card or passport.

There is a specific selection of entrances to the different areas of the Park, with their unique nature types, and their purpose is to promote the visitors' interests and enjoyment. These specific enticing choices here include both very relaxing activities but also more wild or cultural. This extensive selection is essential and follows both the family's and nature's way of expressing a desire for health through attractive diversity.


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